Random Musings
-Why don't emo/scene kids just kill themselves? that way, both of us would be happy. Does that not make perfect sense?
-Why is it called a "blow-job" when there is no blowing involved? It should be called a "suckjob". Actually, its not a job, because they don't get paid (usually). It should just be called a suck. "Dianne gave me a suck last night." Sounds much better.
-Why is it called a "blow-job" when there is no blowing involved? It should be called a "suckjob". Actually, its not a job, because they don't get paid (usually). It should just be called a suck. "Dianne gave me a suck last night." Sounds much better.
-Facebook should have a button next to "poke" that just blows the persons head up.
-Why do I keep having bizarre dreams about liz katriel? I'm starting to get worried.
-Whenever i'm in montana, i keep seeing signs that say "the testicle festival is coming". anyone care to explain what the fuck that is?
-If you look at a picture of someone long enough, they look stupid. Ikidyounot.
-If i were a fireman, i could just beat the shit out of people and no one would mind.
-Movies like "piranha 3D and "shark night" really make me wonder.. if I made a movie called "people fuck and die in 3D", how many people would see it? Did I just come up with a really good idea?
-When people are put to death, they should be made into burgers. Precious meat is going to waste. Actually, everyone who dies should be made into a burger.
-There should be a skyscraper with a giant slide attached to it. and a diving board.
-Theres nothing worse than listening to someone else playing bad music and try to explain why you should like it
-Fuck "texarkana". if i hear one more country song that says something like "hrmm ghmm goin down to texarkana", I'm going punch someone in the lip.
-Whenever i see rainbows, the colors aren't in the correct order. and I always had to remember that stupid color order. fuck rainbows. rainbows eat shit.
-"Paul McCartney is dead". no he isn't, fuck you.
-Child leashes- parents who make their children shit in litterboxes.
-Energy drinks- people who like to spend money and think they're getting energy.
-Blu-ray- people who think they're better than everyone else.
-Music genres ending in 'core'- people who pretend to want to kill themselves.
-The "Friends with Benefits" movie- people who weren't satisfied with "No Strings Attached"
-Zune- fuckfaces and mete.
Conversations that never seem to take place
Jack- "Bob is such an honest person. He never says mean or dirty things."
Dianne- "Bob is 12 months old"
Jack- "Yeah I know, he's a great guy."
Dianne- "I just finished burying John. I had to chloroform him first. Help me wash this dirt off my clothes."
Jack- " Make sure the dogs don't dig him up again."
Jack- "Dianne, you're going to give me a blow job right now. Then you're going to take me to Hooters and say nothing as I watch sports and stare at other women."
Dianne- "Ok, I'll go get my purse."
Dianne- "Jack, make sure you're in the building this time when the bomb on your chest goes off"
Jack- "Dianne, don't kill that Australian Ghost Catshark. Its endangered."
Dianne- "But Jack, we're almost out of Dinosaur!"
Jack- "Make sure they shoot you in the neck this time, not the stomach."
Dianne- "Last time they shot me in the stomach."
Things people seem to think I care about
-Economy plus- no one gives two shits about five extra inches of legroom. that only lets be extend my knees about 12 degrees more. what i need is more space to recline my seat.
-Movies in HD- i can barely tell the difference. itunes charges you 5 extra dollars to see Hermionie's eyebrow hairs better.
-More minutes for your phone- according to verizon, ive used about 1/19th of the minutes I have. I dont like talking to people on the phone. I have a shit ton of minutes, I dont need any more. so stop with the annoying commercials with the families and the clocks. fuck minutes, I don't give a shit.
-A flashlight with my snuggie- I don't want a flashlight. I don't even want a snuggie. Half the commercial is about the flashlight.
3 things I don't want my dentist to say while he is pulling my tooth.
-"we're out of anesthetic, you're just gonna have to tough this one out"
-"after this procedure, you may not eat or drink for 48 hours"
-"i'm going to tie you up and rape you"
Why do people think they can play harmonica? every time someone sees a harmonica, they pick it up and expect themselves to play an actual tune. harmonica is not as easy as it looks. I only know one person who can play harmonica. (bob dylan). Same with juggling. Everyone says 'oh, i can juggle a little', and then they throw a bunch of balls in the air and drop them. Same with double-jointedness. Everyone overuses the phrase "double jointed". just because you can bend your thumb back a little further than some people, you aren't double jointed. fuck you. You cannot play harmonica, you cannot juggle, and you are not double jointed.
My Great Ideas
A skyscraper with a slide on it. I’m not backing down on that one.
A Water-Bike. I've even drawn a sketch of it.
Turning the Hearst Castle into a hotel.
My Ideas That Went to Shit
Psalm trees. Trees that grow bibles.
Sheryl Crows- bird shaped speakers that play "Soak up the Sun" and "If it Makes you Happy"
A new politically correct term for African Americans- "Blackheads"
Turning Alcatraz into a hotel.
Why does everyone say that they knew about a song before it was popular, and they think I care? A lot of the time they're just being pretentious. take Fireflies by owl city. Every time i play that song, someone says "i knew that song before it was popular". I know at least 15 people who said this. just how many people can know a song before its popular? by definition, not that many. On the facebook page "I knew that song before it was popular", the wall is ridden with people saying "fireflies by owl city". no. go back to your corner and masturbate.
I shit on the amazing spiderman. why remake a movie that came out only 10 years ago? and with worse/more ugly actors? Charlie sheen's dad? What the fuck? No sam raimi? What the fuck x2? The trailer sucks, too. When spiderman is running across the buildings, it looks like a 16-bit video game. Spiderman is gay, too. A lot of superheroes suck. Catwoman is annoying. Superman is lame, and Captain America is too old/retro. Hulk is ugly. I bet i can come up with a bunch of with a bunch of cool superheroes. Razor-man. Shark-man. Safety-man (maybe not).
I personally think there aren't enough movies where really famous celebrities die. They always live, or die honorably. I want to see Ashton Kutcher go through a meat grinder. Or Christina Applegate getting her head twisted off. Or Mel Gibson running into a building and blowing himself up. Then we can watch the celebrities die, and pretend its real. It would be fun! It would be even better if they actually killed the celebrities on the set. 'Ok Ashton! just jump into the spinning blades, its just a prop, don't worry!' That way we would have really high quality footage. its like a plane crash at an air show. You get the best quality footage. There should really be more snuff films. Shot in 3D. "Macaulay Culkin Actually Dies in 3D".
Fuck This!
fuck stuffed crust
fuck bad sunscreen
fuck food that tastes like sunscreen
fuck covers of pink floyd songs
fuck whole grain food
fuck the MPAA
fuck automatic toilets
fuck Motley Crue
fuck people who don't like steely dan.
fuck service berries
fuck bad sunflower seeds
fuck stupid little whores in malls.
fuck Arthur Leigh Allen.
fuck "refrigerate after opening". I fucking hate cold salsa. Keep it in the pantry.
Things I actually like/can tolerate
Superhero movie reboots
Gay people who don't act really really gay
songs with faded endings
when i sit next to a hot girl on an airplane
when i get lots of money.
Itunes Top Charts as of June 5th 2011
1. Moves like Jagger- Maroon 5. a few things to say about this song. one, its not very good. People are only buying it because its a new M5 song, which leads me to the next thing, what the fuck is this Hands All Over re-release? Ive had this album for over a year now, why did itunes release it again? the only thing thats different is that they added moves like jagger and misspelled "misery".
2. Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO. this band is straight up shit. so is this song. Its not even catchy, or anything...in fact, it is incredibly annoying. It kind of sounds like they're making it up as they sing it.
3. Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars)- Bad Meets Evil. As soon as i previewed the song, i heard Eminems voice and instantly knew why it was on this list. Add eminem to anything and get money. You could actually compose thats a guy shitting into a mic, and at the end have eminem say "fuck", and your song will end up in the top three spots on itunes.
4. Pumped up Kicks- Foster the People. In the spring, i heard this song in so cal on an unknown station, and i thought it was ok so i downloaded it. on itunes, it had no reviews and pretty much looked liked no one had bought the song, ever. yes, i knew this song long before it was popular, but dont go calling me a hypocrite; if anyone else ever says the same about this song, i will fight them to the death. i was the first person to ever buy this song on itunes. fuck you.
5. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)- Katy Perry. this song sucks, fuck katy perry. am i the only one who remembers when katy perry made funny/quirky songs? i liked that.
6. How to Love- Lil Wayne. Holy shit! a lil wayne song where he doesn't say "pussy", "fuck", "nigga", and doesn't laugh weirdly! Well, this song is ok.
7. Tonight Tonight- Hot Chelle Rae. When i say the name of the band, i assumed it was a mexican rapper and i previewed it expecting something like 'lean like a cholo'. instead what i got was my macbook actually taking a huge shit. it was the first time that ever happened. It just sounded way, way, too white. even for me. The lyrics are fucking stupid. It kind of sounds like lyrics you were making up to make fun of a song. actual lyrics- "la, la, la, whatever, la, la, la". gAy!!
8. Super Bass- Nicki Minaj. I have complained about Nicki Minaj since the land before time. Have you seen her ass? does she go to sports authority, buy two basketballs and put them down her pants? did she get them surgically attached? and her song just good "boomadoom doom supah bass!". shes also incredibly ugly.
9. I Wanna Go- Britney Spears. this song should be higher on the list. im ashamed to admit it, but i have a special spot for britney spears music. Its more catchy and smart than other pop songs. She's also incredibly hot. when she has hair.
10. Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-yo, Afrojack & Nayer)- Pitbull. for a second, i thought pitbull name was actually "Feat. Pitbull". i had no idea he made his own songs. This one is ok, when is comparison to other pop songs. Maybe its just because theres a guy in the song named "Afrojack". thats a cool name. I might name one of of my kids afrojack.
You may be wondering (but probably not) why the picture is of Bane from the Dark Knight Rises. Its because that movie is going to kick fucking ass.
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