Its pretty late, even for me, so this is going to be brief. Thats the gay one in the picture!
Glee Spoiler.
Contains Spoilers.
What happens in Glee world of the near future. The gay one strangles the dude in the wheelchair. Ms. 40 Year-Old-Virgin-Boss-Lesbian beats the living crap out of the gay one. The asian and the hot one get into a bar fight and both get shot by the fat one. Mowhawk dude dies from heroin overdose. The ginger stabs the fat one in vain, and the rest of the characters who cannot be put into general stereotypes move to Alaska and become eskimos and spend their days drawing wooly mammoths inside of their igloo.
Ginger chick eats a bad pickle and gets herpes.
So thats basically what happened. Have a good two more hours of Tuesday, a day which you will probably completely forget within the next few weeks essentially making it completely insignificant. Bye.
7:22 PM? I did this at like 3 in the morning!!