This post is an apology for me not posting in a long time. Or I could blame this on Rage. I will do that. Anyway, I just saw avatar last weekend, and I though it was good, but remember this- when you see a move in 3D- be prepared for people saying "ooh, and whoaa" the whole movie. Oh and you know at the beginning of the movie- when they tell you to turn your phone off? Well, they need to specify that you can't text/be obnoxious either. There were these two girls, about 12 or 13, laughing and texting the whole movie. It was so annoying, I wanted to put popcorn salt in their eyes. What made it worse is that they weren't the least bit attractive. I could tell they weren't watching the movie either, because they weren't wearing 3D glasses, and you know what a 3D movie looks like when you don't have them on. I actually wasn't planning on seeing Avatar. I was going to see Daybreakers, with the guy who writes "I hate etc etc", how ironic. But theres a dumb rule that you have be be with someone whose 18, and they don't fall for the "midget who left their ID in the car" one either. So we had to go with plan B, buy Avatar tickets and walk into Daybreakers, well, we found out that Daybreakers had started 15 minutes ago, and we had paid extra for 3D anyway. So we saw Avatar, and it was good. Well here is one thing I want to complain about. Rosetta stone customer service. They needed to know my computer type, my IP address, my email, my full name, my country, when I bought rosetta stone, the EXACT DATE (like I remember that..), and all I had to do was restart my computer. Thanks, customer service, for putting me on hold for an hour and a half! I think what I will do from now on is "talk to an agent online". I know what you're wondering right now. Who the hell is Louis Breckley? You will find out..when it is time. I will end this post with a brief summary of Avatar...
-I'm on a wheelchair. (roller veteran rolls)
-Roller Veteran who is now huge and blue gets slapped by a blue chick.
-They're going to blow up the planet because they want a mineral, which incidentally is "unobtainable"
-Blue people revolt
-Blue people win in a 400 million dollar of FX fight.
-blue girl has a shit fit
-Blue man opens his eyes.
-*directed by James Cameron*
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