We are currently in a moment of silence. Two followers cannot currently access their computers. One has lost internet. One can't open the Raging Hobbit homepage, and can only read the previews on Facebook, which are only the first four sentences. One is on vacation. One was ice fishing in Alaska and got kidnapped by eskimos. These five followers (disregarding the last one) also happen to be our most dedicated readers, and have not been able to see our most recent posts. But I feel bad not posting, so I will briefly talk about magic tricks. When someone shows you a magic trick, please do not steal the cards, look at them, count them, try to memorize them, punch the magician in the face, or rip the cards. All of the previous happened today when I stunned the world with my beastly magic tricks. So if you are reading this, and I show you a magic trick, please cooperate or I may have to staple your hands together and blindfold you. Also, heads up, when you play Wii boxing, you do NOT actually punch the other guy, you punch at the screen. So if you ever play me in Wii boxing, PLEASE remember this!
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