Actually, not really. But that got your attention right? I hope so, because I'm going to bring in the new year by talking about the funniest thing on earth. Your mom. In collaboration with most of the followers I've brought up the essential list to "Yo Momma" disses.
Ready? (No, I'm not posting this only because I have nothing better to do.)
Fat Category
1. Yo momma's so fat that when she had a period she bled the red sea.
2. Yo momma's so fat that when she ate a big mac they called it the western expansion
3. Yo momma's so fat that she was put in a line up with Peter Griffin and Santa Claus
4. Yo momma's so fat that when she walked on the beach a whale came up to her and started singing " we are family."
5. Yo momma's so fat that she has more curves than space in the presence of a massive object.
6. Yo momma's so fat she makes her own gravity well.
7. Yo momma's so fat that you need three cars, to buses, and a train to get to her good side-
You know what? Fuck this. I'm sure some douchey website by two guys has a better list than this.
I need a subject. I need inspiration! Somebody give me inspiration! I can't think of anything! Damnit!
-10 minutes later-
So Batman and Robin rush to the scene to see some crackhead clown guy huffing the gas out of Harley Quin's car's tailpipe. So Robin says "Holy hindenburg Batman! What are we going to do? They have a truck!"
B: Don't worry pigeon! We have the batmobile!
R: Wait Batman? Do we have the gay 1950's one or the bad ass one from the Dark Night?
B: Um...
R: Let's take the batcycle instead.
5 minutes later, in the midst of a great car chase between Batman and the Joker
R: Great gatsby Batman! It's Poison Ivy!
B: Then forget the Joker dodo! Let's get laid!
PI: Hey Batty, would you like to grow your mushroom in my barn?
J: Hey, wait! I want some of this!
Just then, two face and bane show up!
B: Holy crap! You guys are hideous.
TF: Hey, no name calling.
BA: Hulk Smash!!!!
But wait, an even great gathering of villains!
The walls break down, and a deformed figure with tentacles and a huge head step into the building.
B: No, it can't be!
R: Wait, shouldn't the Penguin be here?
B: This can't be happening!
Villains United: Not the ultimate evil!
Mysterious figure: I am the ruthless, the one, the only... NICK HARRAS!
B: No!!! We'll call him and call him and he'll never answer the phone....
But then, a great hero comes to save the day!
B: It's a bird, it's a plane... it's...Luke Skywalker?
Hero: No! I am Jack Fields!
But across the building, something is happening... it's a sniper!
And so, Jack Fields died that day.
And then the world blew up.
The end.
And that my freinds, is the screen play of Batman 3, the movie that will bring mass chaos into the world if it sucks, because no one will have anything to live for again.
Thank you for reading. And now, I present to you more "stolen" screenplays, Indiana Jones 5, Attack of the Bones and Avatar 2, return to felucia!
I: My names really Henry!
M: Nobody likes me! Why can't people appreciate the great Shia!
I: Hey now, stick to the writing.
M: No! I am Shia LeBeowulf! People will love me! SOMEBODY LOVE ME!
M: I know! I will star in a vampire sex movie! Now everyone will love me! Everyone!
George Lucas: Damnit!
And Avatar 2:
Blue Guy: Hey! I wonder why everyone loves this movie! It's completely unoriginal, but oh well!
Blue hot girl: I got an idea, let's make more money with a squeakquel!
Blue Guy: Yeah! And we can also give millions of dollars to (company will sue me if I name it) for advertising!
So there were three screenplays. Ready for some more?
Iron Man 2:
IM: It's elementary my dear Watson!
And Spiderman 4:
S: What the hell? I'm not doing this!
Finally, Transformers 3:
Optimus Prime: NOOO! SHIA LEBAUF!
[Rants Updates for 2011- Batman 3 is actually going to have bane in it. Spiderman 4 was scratched by Sam Raimi. Transformers 3 sucked hard. Iron man 2- Mickey Rourke kicks ass]
why are you so afraid of companies suing you?