A few good things have happened recently, and a few bad things. I'll start out with what I usually do, rack off all the things that are pissing me off right now. A funny thing happened to me as I was signing on to Blogger. I pressed a letter or something on the keyboard by accident, and the language was changed. Now it was changed to like bok choy or some language that like 0.005% of the world has heard of. Now because blogger is a brilliant piece of work, as I went to change the language, I noticed all of the language names were in this ancient language. So now I had to go through all of the languages until I ran into English. What actually happened before I got to English, though, was that I clicked like Finnish or some language where all the language names were close to English, so I found English pretty easily. Another thing that ticked me off today was the fact that these annoying little lines kept popping up on the home page of Raging Hobbit. This was something I had to fix before I went insane. Google had no results for lines popping up so I had to use my minimal HTML editing knowledge. This is basically what I know about HTML. You delete things you don't want, so it isn't on your blog. Make one mistake and it fucks it all up. So I looked for something that said "little white corners" which is basically what was popping up on the homepage. And I found some link to a weird thing in the HTML code, but it said "corners" somewhere in it, so I deleted it, and it worked. But don't call me a genius about this or anything, because the last time I messed with the HTML code, the blog was completely incomprehensible, and it took me ages to fix.
Here are some good things about today. I made molten chocolate lava cake yesterday for dessert, and the house has smelled like chocolate ever since. The only bad part about that is when you have a dad like mine, who lights incense sticks every 4 minutes, the scent combination is absolutely horrible. It smells kind of like burnt hair. But back to the good things, I DID manage to get the little raging hobbit head on the address bar. The only thing I really have to do now to make this website seem more individual and less Blogger controlled is to have a personal domain name- i.e. theraginghobbit.com. BUT it costs good money. Money you have to pay every year. Oh well, maybe one day..
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