OK MILEY, Its OK if you go to Britain and act like a lesbian hooker, just don't do it in America. Sooo, who went out and bought a copy of "Can't Be Tamed?"......awkward silence.... That's right! No one did! And there are two simple reasons no one likes the album! 1, its above the "age level" of normal Hannah Montana listeners. 2, no one who listens to that type of music ever liked Miley Cyrus! Thats right, she's too old for the younger crowd, and the older crowd would look stupid if they bought a Miley Cyrus CD! Let me look at the top albums on iTunes...hmm... Eminem, Arcade Fire, OH THERE IT IS! Can't Be Tamed! Number 129 in top Albums! HA! She's been blown out by the soundtrack for Inception, a Counting Crows album that's been out since 1993, a Nirvana album thats been out since 1991, even "Creed", which was deemed the worst band in the world, has an album from 2004, which is doing better than Miley's new album, which came out last week.
Its just a matter of time until Miley Cyrus turns into another Lindsay Lohan. I can already imagine a drunk Miley Cyrus with a cigarette voice that is even more painful to listen to, standing next to a talking car or about to turn into Jamie Lee Curtis. What annoys me about Miley Cyrus almost as much as her goblin voice is her weird round head and wide mouth that makes her look like an angler fish.

Can't you see the resemblance? The funny thing is, female angler fish are kind of like fish whores because they mate with dozens of male fish. I'm sure Miley Cyrus is already on her way to becoming a Lindsay Lohan Fish Whore.
I feel bad for male angler fish. There so cute, but they end up biting on to female angler fish which are like 40 times as big, and completely morphing into the lady fish's body leaving only his balls. Mother Nature must have been high.

[2011 Update, Miley Cyrus has been caught smoking out of a bong! whoop de wop ..called it]
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