OK, so I am talking about Halloween again, and at this point, you're probably thinking "when will this guy shut up??" but I am so excited about it and I have so many things to say. OK, so first off, we have a 7th follower, Lee Johnson, who happens to be the same guy who threatened to flag my blog unless I give him 10 dollars. He also ended up flagging our blog from spam, but Google really doesn't care because 1, were not spamming, and 2, they are too busy thinking up more schemes to get money from innocent bloggers. But do you know what I want to talk about for a while? Pumpkin picking. I went to a modest farm thing to pick pumpkins, and they really didn't have that many good ones, because old people who pick their pumpkins in mid-September take all of the good ones. I spent about 50+ dollars on three pumpkins, and then went to Shoprite to get two more, and guess what? They were MUCH better, and and only 5 DOLLARS EACH. There you have it, these modest farmers want you to come to their modest farm to pick their modest pumpkin and rip you off a (more than) modest amount. I kind of wanted to go back to the farm and scalp the people, but I really didn't want to be in jail on the ONLY Halloween in 7 YEARS that we get the whole day off, AND the next day off. Anyway, I have already prepared a little for Halloween, I stuffed some people, fake people, mind you, as you can see above^^. Another Halloween subject that I will quickly note, is that, if you are reading this, and you are going to celebrate Halloween, PLEASE don't give out raisinettes. PLEASE. Because you know who celebrates Halloween most? Kids. And do you know who likes raisinettes? Nobody. I also hate when old ladies give out things like prunes. PLEASE, I don't care how worried you are about child healthcare, If you like your house un-egged, I advice not giving us anything but candy on Halloween. Hang on, I have to take a shower, be right back. Ok, I'm back. Now as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted by my urge to take a shower, Halloween is supposed to be a fun night, and the only things that make it unfun are school, creepy old guys who hand out candy, and weather. Oh, and racists dressed up as evil bloody popes (who would do that?). Anyway, there was some controversy about my last post. I really don't give an Asian if you think I am insulting your race. But I do give an Asian, in fact, I give many Asians, if people stop reading my blog. So I try to appeal to every race, religion, and Asian person, but trust me, it's hard. Another thing, if you haven't noticed, I have added a new feature to my blog, Sausage links. (It's on the right). This is where I put links to things I talk about, in case I can't paste it into blogger or I don't feel like going on Mozilla Firefox. I will also be staring a series of Rage's Facebook notes that inspired me to make a blog. These are the original uncooked versions of the inspiration to start a blog. Raging Hobbit credits go to Rage, for making Facebook notes that inspired me, Henry Gifford, a guy who said that Rage sounds like a blogger and he should start a blog, and Rant (thats me, in case you are a new guy) for actually making the blog and 90 percent of the posts.
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