Lately I have been talking about things that can only relate to certain people (e.g. people who use Facebook, people who know about Google voice..) Which has generated a lot of complaints, so I decided to talk about something that everyone can relate to at some level. My seedless grapes. OK, so grapes are really really good, and if you know me well, you would know that my body is 95% grape and 5% other stuff. So, anyway I had these grapes lately that tasted so good, almost like candy. They had seeds, which was no problem because they didn't taste like anything, and it said that it has seeds on the bag. So I bought these purple grapes the other day, which said clearly and boldly, SEEDLESS. So I bought them. They weren't concord grapes, so I wasn't expecting as much as the others, but I was greatly disappointed when I chomped into my first grape. There were four little (really big) brown seeds in the grape. So I thought, no problemo, I'll chuck this one. Then I tossed the second and third grape I took out, for the same reason. That's when I realized that these grapes were in no way seedless. I decided to try one, because they probably didn't taste like anything like the concord grapes I had a while ago. They seed let out some kind of seedy acid or whatever that would have shriveled up my tongue if I didn't spit it out. I mean, this wasn't edible. They were so bitter, that they made the whole grape inedible. Even when I picked out the seeds, the whole grape tasted was so bitter, it was like eating an orange peel! (ever done that?) I mean, its okay if they leave some seeds in these grapes but MAN! Every single one in the bag! Jesus Christ! How could anyone mess up that bad?? After I had tossed those, I bought new bag of purple grapes because I couldn't find the concord ones, and SURPRISE! More seeds! Well screw that, I will NEVER buy from that brand anymore. On another food note, I am out of peanut butter which equals apocalypse for Rant. Rant doesn't feel like going to A&P right now, but Christ, if I don't have peanut butter by the end of today I will start getting tremors, or maybe fall into cardiac arrest? So If anyone wants to give me some peanut butter, please send to toobadcantsendpeanutbutterthroughemails@notvalidanyway.needmahPB.seedlessgrapes.com...
BTW I am going on a trip Tuesday through Friday so expect no posts from me..maybe Rage will post, who knows. But I will post Sunday morning, I swear.
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