I just...KNEW he would forget. Or maybe he just didn't read my post. Anyway, it's Monday morning, and I just got back from the airport, and a lot of things were not excellent, so I am going to talk about airports and airplanes. Ever noticed the way that some of those airport security people look at you? Its like they think everyone in the airport has a desire to bomb it. These guys scare me mostly because they are giving you the death stare and they have guns. Another thing that annoys me about the airport is the precautions they take to prevent terrorism. No diet coke on the plane? I know that some liquids can be mixed to make bombs, but..really? Do they think some 7 year old american kid is going to mix his Orangina with his Mountain Dew and try to kill everyone on the plane- including himself? The best part is- there has never been a case of a terrorist trying to explode a plane by mixing his beverages. I swear some guy just looked up "101 ways to blow up a plane" and made sure none of them were possible. Well, when you're on the plane, things don't get much better. Food is scarce, unless your the type who can go a couple hours with a tiny cup of water and two or three peanuts. Also, the seats never go back enough, so it is impossible to fall asleep. I've seen some people in my lifetime who were asleep without leaning on anything but I SWEAR they were faking it. The In Flight movie selection is also terrible. OK, so I watched "The Brothers Bloom" and it was terrible. But thats not it, The movie keeps playing without sound when the woman rambles on about how many feet in the air we are, and sometimes she talks painfully slow, and you have this urge to choke somebody. There really isn't much to do on planes, so sometimes I try to do the crossword puzzles that nobody could solve in their lifetime. I hate crossword puzzles so much..Its just, the clues..they are terrible! Some clues are just one word that could have a million different answers, like, BUG. CHINESE. MATINÉE. Also there are clues that end in question marks, and just makes you more confused- like BUG? CHINESE? MATINÉE? I managed to get one clue, however, on this crossword puzzle, although it was rather easy. It went like this- "HOW __ YOU?" Now, you should be able to answer this. I think the guy who makes the crossword puzzle feels bad for the passengers, and lets them have a chance at one. I think I got a couple other three letter words, but I don't remember what the clues were. I'm getting off the plane now, and I am covering my ears and praying. Why? Don't you hate when people say "buh-bye?" I think I read an article once about how flight attendants always say "buh-bye" when you're getting off the plane. There are certain things you always see about flight attendants and pilots, I think they are all clones of each other. Flight attendants are always overly nice, and always say "buh-bye" instead of bye or goodbye, and pilots always have southern accents. I feel like I have mentioned that in one of my earlier posts, but I forget which one. Anyway, I better post this soon, otherwise It won;t be Monday morning anymore.
the brothers bloom was amazing, your just biased becuase you saw it on an airplane while surrounded by idiots
ReplyDeletethat could be true..but I thought the directing was kind of poor and so was the acting..except for adrian brody.