New movies in theaters, I really was expecting them all to be bad. Theres a SAW movie every year, and they all suck, so I hear. I saw "SAW 2" on SyFy, and it was so stupid, I swear I even heard my cat moaning at the screen (he does that when the Yankees lose, too). Well there are new scary movies in theaters, and I was expecting stupid movies like Saw 6, but I was surprised at the reviews of movies like "Paranormal Activity" and "Trick 'r Treat". Apparently the Halloween flicks this year are actually good. Well, with the exception of Saw 6, but I swear, theres going to be one every year. One year their going to run out of ideas of torture, and make a movie about how these guys get their peanut butter stolen by jigsaw and co. We've all been down that road, anyway, I'd like to make a quick note about the new spelling of the Sci-Fi channel, they now changed it to SyFy. I think the are slowly creating a nerd language...its almost scary. Another thing, that thing from Trick 'r Treat that is pictured above looks kind of cute, doesn't it? Just try not to look at the bloody lollipop. On a different subject, I found out how to paste into blogger. *Drumroll*....MOZILLA FIREFOX! Yes, Its the Firefox devil thing in The Last Rant. It is the spastic 5th tab. It is the "this program is not responding". Its Mozilla Firefox that does the trick! Anyway, now that I had this problem solved, I saved a potential blog crisis. I accidentally clicked "publish" instead of save, and posted my un-edited, incomplete post. I didn't want anyone to see it, so I copied the entire thing and deleted the post (and the idiot of the year award goes to..), then, I remembered that I couldn't paste into blogger. So I looked up my problem (on Google, it was an emergency), and found some forum of desperate losers who were crying about not being able to paste into their blog entries. When I was done laughing at them, I read their advice and used Firefox....and it worked. Back to the subject of Halloween, I found out that the pope costume I was going to order doesn't fit me. You have to be, like, 300 pounds. So, I see how it is. Only fat guys can dress up as popes. I guess I'll have to look for another one...But if you find one, please Email it to toobadcantsendpopecostumesthroughemails@notvalidanyway.concordgrapes.peanutbutter.com Anyway, I was at a bar mitzvah today, and guess what they had..CONCORD GRAPES! There was a creepy old man staring at me while I was eating them, but I enjoyed them anyway. Ever had a creepy old person stare at you? It weeeeiirrrdd. I was at the char broil the other day eating delicious grilled cheese, when I noticed an old woman just STARING at me. She looked like she was about to kill me, and she had a LOT of makeup and lipstick on so she looked kind of like a gypsy-witch-fat-creepy-grandma. Yeah, kind of like the picture below. I was with my friend, and guess what, he told me that the same exact person was staring at him while he was waiting for his slow and stupid doctor. She is stalking us, I swear. Another thing, my dad is leaving for a while, and he doesn't want me to cook or anything. We just had an awkward conversatin that went kind of like this- Rant- So I can't cook anything? Father Rant- No. Rant- not even like, hashbrowns or anything? Father Rant- they stick to the pan. It's hard to get off. Rant- What about fries? Father Rant- You use the oven. Rant- I know... Father Rant- Do you know how to use the oven? Rant-you turn it on...? Father Rant- Yes. Rant- So can I make fries?....awkward silence...Father Rant- Call me if you make anything. Rant- yes, Father Rant. Anyway, enjoy your rainy and miserable Sunday...the reason That this post is up Sunday afternoon is because currently I can't put my pictures on the post..ARG!
What is with this weird font? I can't change it!
ReplyDeleteBy God, that's my grandma!
ReplyDeleteRage..if you can comment on my posts, you should be able to make one.