Have you ever been to the diner, and the waitresses are ALWAYS old women with dying blonde/white hair and dark red lipstick? What can I get you, honey? I have a reason for this. Most diners are probably old, and the waitresses all looked the same, now, 40 something years later, they haven't quit their jobs, now we have uniformly looking waitresses, still trapped in their time period? Soon they will all die. This also goes for some CVS workers that are like, "whats a cell phone?". There is one particularly bad worker I have a problem with, our conversation goes kind of like this.
CVS Time-Confused Woman: Aren't you supposed to be in school?
Rant: Its Saturday.
CVS Time-Confused Woman: Did you steal this money from your mother?
*Rant steals candy and leaves*
CVS Time-Confused Woman: Go to hell!
Ok, I made up the last part. But I'm sick of these old women not trusting anyone. You know what else I'm sick of? Peopllleee whooo writeeee likeeee thissss. If you're going to type like that, I am going to stop talking to you. Also people who type like this- HeYy WhAtZZXXXup?? xxxxI'm SoOOoxx bOr3Edxxxx! oMgXZZZ I hAveeeeEE NoOoO Id3a howWw haRd dIZ iz FR Oth3r P33opleee to Reeadddd ThIsZZxxxXxxXX! I am going to dig a grave for every person who does this. Doesn't it take a lot more effort to capitalize random letters or add millions of unnecessary letters or add X's or spell things wrong? It doesn't look cool, it looks stupid. Another pet peeve of mine are those who make their hearts with like 22 3's at the end. Like this- <3333333333333. OK THAT DOESNT NOT LOOK LIKE 22 HEARTS. It looked either like 22 stacked up hearts, or one heart with 21 3's at the end of it. Go to hell!
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