Rage's stupid kitten post was the 100th Raging Hobbit post, but I could not let that happen, so I deleted the crappy fanmail post! HA! Have you ever been at Barnes and Noble, and theres a woman with huge glasses, she goes to the next isle and says, "oh, look, theres more books over here". I think this crosses the unofficial border of blatantly obvious statement to genetic malfunction. What happened when she was born? Maybe it runs in the family of women who go to barnes and nobles and are surprised to see books. I bet when she was being born, her mother was like "Oh look, its a baby!" and the dad was like "He has a head!". Well I keep forgetting that this blog is open to any reader. There may be someone reading this post thats like "This is a blog". Well you know what else really crawls under my skin? When you see a picture that leaves a huge scar in your brain. Yes I did talk about this yesterday. But I decided to make a top ten list of things that should never be seen.
Raging Hobbit Top 10 List of Things Never to be Seen
10. Anyone with leprosy.
9. A bleeding dog.
8. Rage.
7. A fat guy without his shirt on
6. A fat guy with leprosy without his shirt on.
5. Guy undergoing brain surgery
4. Fat shirtless guy with leprosy undergoing brain surgery.
3. Twilight.
2. People with barnacles.
*Note-original picture was not a picture of a random bald guy, it was a picture of Ray Charles that I decided not to post. Toodle-oo!
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