Its easter! So whats this about? Jesus becomes undead! I always thought it would be funny if one day we dug up Jesus's body and all the Christians would be like "oops, we f*cked up!". Anyway, I didn't want to talk about easter that much. I would like to talk about a similar topic, Spider-man. So who saw Spider-man 3? I did, unfortunately! I have to say it really sucked. And Sam Raimi has been talking about a Spider-man 4 for years now, until early this year, when he said he decided to quit. Way to get us all excited and then disappoint us! Well thats not the worst part. A random director decided to make a Spider-man 4, and decided to cast Mr. Sparkles Edward Cullen as Peter Parker! And Lindsay Lohan as Mary Jane Watson? What is this? I couldn't have picked any two worse people to play those parts! No, really, I can't, can you? This should be a long post because I have a lot to say about this, but I just don't feel like posting today.
[2011 Update- The new spiderman is not a third sequel, it is a reboot. Peter parker is cast as the guy from the social network (but not the adventureland guy), and Mary Jane Watson is... nonexistent! No, parkers love interest is Gwen Stacy, who is being cast as easy A. The only good thing to come from this is that we may/may not see Emma Stone die, depending on how faithful to the comics this is. Spiderman 3 still sucks ass]
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