Ok, so I am suffering from a brain stump. This means I have nothing to talk about, but I really need to post. So I will blame Rage. Why blame Rage, you say? BECAUSE HE NEVER POSTS! Here I am on my 45th post and he only has 15!!! See, if Rage posted more, I wouldn't have to feel bad about not posting because I would have another blogger posting when I'm not! Ok, so here's what I do when I have a Brain Stump. I get a weird picture and explain it. So that is exactly what I will do. You see this stupid picture? It comes up in every freaking search!! God! I'm getting sick of this stupid cat with the melon head, its a waste of precious gigabytes and it isn't even funny! I could find a much funnier picture that no one knows about. And do you know what? I hate this picture so much, I am going to put it at the bottom of the page so it isn't the first thing you see and Its not the default for facebook. And I am going to make it really tiny.

...Rant...21 days.
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