I am typing this really fast because I have to go soon and so there may be a few typos but I will fix them later. Northwest Airlines, come on. So my grandfather was supposed to be flying in yesterday, but now he's marooned in Minneapolis because Northwest Airlines jumped the gun and cancelled all their flights, one of which was flying out at 5:30, and it didn't really start snowing until 8:00 ish. So I was thinking, well, at least if his flight was cancelled, we'll have snow, or at least if it didn't snow, my grandfather would make his flight, so it was a win-win situation, NO. It wasn't because once again Northwest Airlines screws up. If you haven't already heard my airline rant, click here. Well, we didn't get ANY snow yesterday afternoon like we were supposed to, but it dumped on us overnight, when no one goes outside. Well, at least there's snow now. I haven't yet gone out to test it. Aughhh.. I have to go to church. Ok, I'm back. The snow was amazing. Great packing snow, yet not too watery and slushy. Good for exploding snowmen. I got the toboggan out but I haven't built my crash snowman yet. Well, here's something random for me to say. I was just browsing through Raging Hobbit drafts, and I found one written by Rage, a un-published rant on Mormons. I don't know if he was planning on posting it or not. Well, now I will briefly talk about something I read on Check This Shiz Out, what happened to myspace? I have never even looked at a myspace page. I know next to nothing about myspace. And for gods sake, theres Twitter. I don't know what defrauder had the idea of making a social networking site that is literally just Facebook limited to only status messages. I had to get a Twitter account for a school thing, and it's like Shangri-La for stalkers. Anyone can see what you post when they "follow" you. I have like a million followers, even though I have never been on my Twitter account (gagalala) and I got suspended for suspicious activity. Great. So if i'm never on my account, that means I'm suspicious? And they suspend me? Fail. Well, I now I will go on to talk about news highlights.
There are not many news highlights this week. Well, the NFL is asking football players to donate their brains to science, like yeah, you can have my brain. But why the football players? They always seemed like big stupid guys to me. Their brains probably wouldn't be much help. Why don't they ask like really smart guys to donate their brains? Whose, that guy on the wheelchair? Hey, I just remembered this Chuck Norris joke about that guy. It had something to do with roundhouse kicking Einstein. Stephen Hawking. Why is the internet filled with jokes about this guy? Ok, you can joke that he's like Einstein's incest child or whatever, but he's still like the smartest guy on the planet. One more thing I'd like to say before I close up. I hate when people say that every snowflake is different. I'm sure a lot are different, but there are like a million just on my front porch! there must be like a lot of them in the world, and I bet like hundreds of them are the same. The problem here is that people believe everything they hear. I will use this to my advantage and start a rumor right here. Did you know that dead people wake up for about 2 minutes a couple years after they die? Tell everyone you know about that one. Now I will retire for the day.
...Rant...4 DAYS!
twitter is really strange. following people... isnt that pretty much web stalking?
ReplyDeletethats exactly what I was thinking!