1. Snow is God's dandruff.
2. Snow is not water.
3. When it begins to snow, it means it's time again to have three more children...with your own daughter!
Yes, and if you don't believe me, why don't you look it up on emormony! Note that besides the fact that it's a twist of eharmony and Mormons, it also says "more money!" No offense, Mormons.
Now that I insulted one religion I'll have to insult them all! Have a crap holiday, you ungrateful air worshipping fools! You too idol worshipers! And even you atheists! Go buy your presents and shove em' up your a-- you --- for --- in the--- with a ------------ and while your at it-------------- you ugly -------- dipwad----------------!
Note: None of the above stated is actually true and the author is not held responsible for mocking every human being on earth.
EDIT: Shit! I just fell for that Goddamn bullshit find the differences thing! Someone could have warned me!
It's not even scary, but my volume was Goddamn on high! I'm gonna fucking kill you! I'm probably deaf now! Asshole!
15 days!
Uncut, much?