Christmas is closer than ever. Santa and Ranta are coming soon. Remember to tip them. Ok, so first I will talk about some recent events, because thats really what the Sunday Morning Rant is all about. Ok, so Tiger Woods crashes his car into a fire hydrant because his wife is chasing him with a baseball bat. I would have done the same; I wouldn't care if I hit a million fire hydrants. But that's not the point. He had an affair or something, but I don't care. He's a good golfer. I also was asleep in front of the TV while tiger woods had his miracle shot. When I woke up everyone was talking about it. It was a dark day in Rant history. Anyway, Scrubs is back, it was like about to be cancelled but then it wasn't but something is weird, anyway, I demand an apology from my fifth follower Jack Fields, for attacking me and punching me in a half verbal/half physical fight on whether there would be a ninth season and I was right. So if you have a good punishment for him, please leave it in the comments below. Ok, second headline In Raging Hobbit Sunday Morning Rant. You know when I talked about chefs on TV? This is why I hate them. Ok, the second most popular headline today is how some girl on a cooking show got sued for animal abuse because she cooked a rat and ate it. Ok as much as I hate television chefs, I have to defend her. Did a few billion people get sued on Thanksgiving because they cooked a TURKEY and ate it? Do McDonalds or KFC get sued for cooking chicken? Do you get sued for eating burgers? So whats the difference if you cook a rat and eat it? Ok, just saying on another topic, I will be making a Raging Hobbit newspaper, which gathers excerpts of news bits on this blog. Basically, when I cover a certain event on this blog, it will go into "The Raging Hobbit Bulletin". The third highlight is Billy Joel's daughter taking pills and going to the hospital. Thats her, in the picture up there. I don't think it was an attempted suicide, I think she just took too many pills. But that's just me, you can believe what you want. I'm hungry, I think I will go and eat a rat. Have a nice Sunday.
...Rant...18 days.
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