When is Amy Winehouse going to die? As I said in my previous post, if you guess correctly, you win a free iPod touch. So far we have three guesses. Tanner Gill says September 27st, 2010. Charlie Roseman says January 1st, 2012. I say February 10th, 2010. I just have this feeling.
[2011 Update- Amy Winehouse's date of death is July 23, 2011. Tanner wins. The free ipod thing was just a sham.]
Anyway, in case you were wondering about the title, I was obstinately listening to Panic! At The Disco. Quick note on Panic! At The Disco...YOU DON'T PUT EXCLAMATION POINTS IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE. PLEASE DON'T DO IT. You can't even say these guys sing, they just shout with fake accents with dumb fall out boy poser music in the background. So yeah, I'm not a bug panic at the disco fan. Well, I noticed during the song when they say "god damn" they edit out "god" not "damn" which is complete BS. Ok, so I get it, you can't say the lords name in vain. But, he isn't real. I mean god isn't real. And NO I will NOT capitalize "god" if its in the middle of a sentence. Its not a name, it's a thing. A fake thing. Do you capitalize "unicorn"? So if you disagree with me about the whole god thing, go eat a sandwinch and respect my opinions. If you are reading this right now, and you have a copy of "Twilight" in your house, leave this blog. Just making sure our blog stays clean. No offence. Have you ever insulted someone and then said "no offence" when you had every intention of insulting them? Whenever I say no offence, it directly translates to GO HANG YOURSELF. Well now that I have covered our introductory topics, I will move to the meat of the blog. Veggie-tarians.
Vegans are messengers from hell. Vegetarians are just plain awesome. I am vegetarian, and I know what you're thinking. Vegetarians only like vegetables! UNTRUE. I AM A CERTIFIED VEGETARIAN AND I HATE VEGETABLES. SO THERE. I feast on your typical pizza, scrambled eggs, and freedom fries. Hey I have a little secret. Don't tell anyone...(Freedom fries are actually french fries in disguise!) this will be our little secret. Anyway, people need to get over this idea that vegetarians are vegetable eating animal rights activists. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ANIMALS. GUESS WHAT, WE HAVE TOO MANY COWS, AND IF THIS MEANS KILLING THEM TO MAKE FOOD, I DON'T CARE, AT LEAST ITS NOT GOING TO WASTE. When people ask me if i'm a vegetarian because I love animals, I glare at them and say "no, I'm a vegetarian because I freaking hate plants!" When people ask me why I am vegetarian, here is the true answer. I don't know. I was born and raised vegetarian, so I never have eaten any meat and I don't feel the need to. So kindly shut up and eat your ******* cheeseburger. I don't care. Vegans, on the other hand, have some serious disorder. Imagine the horror of having to check the ingredients of everything to buy to make sure there is no butter, or having to ask at restaurants whether there is any milk. Simple solution... DON'T BE VEGAN. If you become vegan, you may end up looking like the picture below...yes, that is Alec Baldwin. Look up "famous vegans in history", and he's all over. And look above, at that horrible picture. Thats what vegans eat. Kind of makes me want to become a anti-vegan activist. Now I am done talking. Go away.
[2011 Update- I am now against animal slaughter. Oh, how I've matured.]
hey. Panic! at the disco is a good band!
ReplyDeleteI bet you posted the part with the meat cuz i was bugging you about it lol
ReplyDeleteyes indeed...you have given me lots of ideas lately.
ReplyDeleteadd something about the 30% more free oxymoron in the next one