First, I will tell you the reason I am posting today. Because I didn't post yesterday. Today, this post will have to be EXTRA GUD because I promised a post yesterday and you didn't get one. You can tell this post is going to be good for a number of reasons. I didn't start out the post saying "Ok, so" which has become my verbal tick/catch phrase. If you look back on previous posts you'd know what I mean. Look at "Sunday Morning Rat" and "Brain Stump". It makes the post hard to read. I need a better catch phrase. Ok, so second reason this post is going to be good. It is going to be a list, and the majority of legendary Hobbit posts are lists (I.e. Transformers and Nazi Lifegaurds). You can also tell this post is going to be good because if you listen carefully, you can hear Andrea Bocelli singing in the background. This post is most likely going to be pretty long, and a lot of good Hobbit posts are long, (I.e. "Where's the Snow" and "Sunday Morning Ranta"). But no long post can compare to the one on the 24th of December. Yes, the Ranta Score. Ranta's brief description of our Hobbit enthusiasts and summing up the year. I know you may or may not want me to stop talking because you want to get to the list. Well, first I must say some other things. I want to ski a lot this winter, and I can't do that without snow. In case you were unaware, I ski. There are probably a lot of things you don't know about us bloggers. Did you know that Rage doesn't know how to ride a bike? He probably doesn't want me saying that. Anyway, all I am saying is we better get some snow around here. The weather report says that we will have a "snowy mix" tomorrow, and if you know meteorologist language, that translates to "snow, rain, and crap," and we won't even get anything after that until the end of December. Looks like a crappy month, guys. Another thing, I have just noticed something random. I always get off topic on my posts, and then begin a new sentence by saying "anyway..." I will try to stop doing that. Anyway, now I will get to the list of why I didn't post yesterday.
1. I was watching a movie. Two movies actually. No, three. Kind of.
2. I had no good material. See today, I have good material, like explaining why I didn't post when I DIDN'T have any material.
3. I needed to feed my cat.
4. I needed to feed my dog.
5. I was eating ice cream.
6. I was attacked by ninja turtles.
7. I started a post, which was bluntly deleted by the anomalous blog engine I use.
8. I was counting sheep jumping over a fence.
9. I got a random call from someone I hate, which lasted about 30 minutes.
10. I was getting inexorably beaten up by spider-man.
11. I will annoy you by not having a perfect 10 reasons, so here is your 11th to thoroughly piss you off! Hahaha!
...Rant.. 12 days.
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