You know one of the things I hate most in the world? People so stupid, so friendless, so all around-lifeless that no one can stand up for them. Not even Mother Theresa. Everyone has to hate something, and the one thing people hate most in common: Blog Followers. They are the type of complete and utter losers who will listen to some idiots called Raging Hobbits, or hear depressed teenage girls talk about their ceilings. They are the sort who keep foreign money under their mattress, and have trampolines in their backyard. And wear glasses. And have long hair when they are male. Am I going to far? No, I'm not. Did I mention they are named after stuffed animals/ former presidents? Well, lemme tell you a little experience I had with these... blog followers. One day, I was happily traversing the internet after a good date with my (now X-) girlfriend the Microsoft Robo Lady. I was all happy cheery when a bunch of idiots started spamming for me to go on to a blog called "Idiot talks about all the people he knows and hates and gives away all of his personal information and has been stalked six times now and drags out titles forever." I don't know how the little rodents got my email address, but I said, hey, how bad could it be? Well it was awful. No, not the blog. That sh#t was hilarious. But the followers. I don't know how to describe it, but there are some gigantic blogs on the internet, you can find them anywhere, like those Lolcats, and do you know what their idiotic 4000 followers did? After every post ,they started spamming, flaming, and all around making no sense. That's why I hate blog followers. I was lost in a sense of "lol jessy567, kudos to derryl too!" On a post about how the poor blogger lost his f***ing dog in a car crash. Usually I hate those stupidass bloggers, but their are much worse things in the world. Here's another: "OMG that is so awesome dipshit1138!" On a post, about erectile dysfunction. I hate those idiots so much, that I think I will set fire to that new follower idiot.
So I say, welcome third guy, enjoy your stay... it won't be long.
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