Friday, September 4, 2009

Malaysian Offender

Guess what. My computer was infected with a virus yesterday! Now I don't want to feel like a walking (typing) advertisement, but i suggest using Avast! Antivirus when you get something because its completely free and it works amazingly. But I get viruses all the time. I was especially pissed at this one, because do you know where Avast! tracked this virus from? Malaysia. Malaysia is awesome! You can... uh.. celebrate the Puja Amur! You can scuba dive! YOU CAN EVEN GO JUNGLE TREKKING. MY GOD, you have a country where you can scuba dive in the ocean and go into the JUNGLE, and what do people do in malaysia? MAKE VIRUSES! WOOHOO! They also have beautiful lakes and even the PETRONUS TOWERS! Those buildings are like some of the tallest ever! So, by some reasearch, i have figured out a way to find out who gave me my virus. They can't scuba dive, so they must be able to breath underwater, so they have to have gills and whale blubber cause its cold! They can't go jungle trekking, so they must not have legs! So I have drawn a picture of what this man should kind of look like. If you see him, mail him to P.O. Box 113 Madison street, NH.
