Lemme start by saying, it would have been cooler if congratulations was on a second line and a bit smaller, to add a sarcastic hint. Well that would be comedy. Oh well. Here, you have a blog, started by someone else, the other guy, who decided it's funny to call short people who talk a lot angry Hobbits. I thought it was funny too. But no, none of that could be, the great dream of the future was crushed, because some fat, friendless, 40-year-old (note the alliteration) took that domain name. Now I am raging. No offense to the latter mentioned. And you know, that brings back memories. Memories of people I hate, so I give you fare warning, you may be offended.
#1 Bloggers. What idiots, who cares what they think. They're probably all fat too. I mean, some fat people can be cool, but no bloggers.
#2 Book authors. Ever read a good book, love it very much, then look at the back cover and see some big fat idiot who you instantly hate? Authors ruin good books.
#3 Pelopel woh cna't spleel.
#7 People who can't count
#8 Hypocrites
#9 Secretaries. With all their time on the computer, I bet they're bloggers.
#10 People who repeat themselves.
#11 People who repeat themselves.
#12 People who start running out of good and hilarious ideas and start repeating themselves.
#13 People who have a lot to say, so they put it all in a blog.
#14 Nazis. Those mustaches, nuff' said.
#16 Bad editors who cut out numbers, AKA people who can't count.
#17 Surgeons. They save the lives of people that I hate. Added: Surgeons pretend to work hard on you, but they just want money, then they let you die.
#18 Flying toasters. WHAT is wrong with those things, can't they just leave me alone?
#19 Advertisers. They're all ove- Buy Oxi-Clean! -r the place!
#20 Hurricane Victims. What jerks.
#21 Farrah Fawcett. She killed everyone, including MJ.
#22 Disney: They killed everyone, including poor Farrah Faucet.
#23 Excessively dark people.
#24 The director of Epic Movie. I bet his favorite seen was the porno part. What's his name, Quentine Tarantino? Wait...
#25 Adam Sandler. If I hear one more F#$%ing movie about bed time stories, I'll wring his
#26 Nickelodeon. Disney #2?
#27. People who add suggestions to people I hate. I hate who I hate, got that moron? P.S. I hate you.
#28-Suggested by The Other Guy: Fat Doctors, they keep telling you to go on a diet when they need to themselves. I hope they die of an artery fluke.
#29 . The Other Guy.
#30 Ugly people dating each other. They scarred me for life, and turned me into a dark, brooding person.
#32 People who forget easily, If you don't remember things, how can you hate? Like the way I will always hate people who can't count.
#33. I forgot the name for #32. What was it again? Oh yeah, amnesia patients.
#34 Amnesia patients. The always forget what they just did.
#35 PDF documents. Just look at them.
#35 People who drag things out forever.
#36 People who make rash inside jokes in public places where no one will get them. Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins.
#37 People who fall in love with non existent things, like Sparkling Vampires.
#38 I <3 Princess Leia.
#39 People who make knock knock jokes.
#40 People who just don't get it. AckJay IeldsFay. I bet he'll never know I just talked about him.
#43 To end on an odd number, I'll wrap this up with the one thing I hate the most in the world. More than people who forget what they just did, and more than people who repeat themselves a lot, more than people who can't spell or count, Bloggers. The biggest idiots in the world. So I weclome you to the world of self-hating elehpant pig eating fliyng toatsers who (don''t) lkie to say Hlelo!
Editors note: Excsure teHTypsos.
-Rage, and Rant.
when i read "excessively dark people", a naturally assumed you meant black people.