I promise that Rage will make more posts, he just wants attention, He may hand the job over to someone else, but again, I still think he is lying. By popular request (one person) (Marshall Sandoval), I will talk about people with authority. People with authority, be it a cop, a person in government, or a woman in a green shirt who yells at people at bar mitzvahs, people who have authority tend to have little sympathy or respect for people not in authority. E.g...police officer pulls over person driving one mile an hour over speed limit....police officer arrests teens for "loitering" or literally standing in one stop for too long (I still can't figure that out)....or a woman in a green dress who yells at kids at bar mitzvahs for doing thing that are perfectly normal but not normal for women in green dresses at bar mitzvahs. One side note I will add is the concept of loitering. What kids of world do we live in that we get fined for standing in one spot? When I first head of this, I thought it was a joke, and I laughed. Then I found out that it was real, and there was a very long awkward silence. I always wanted to be arrested for loitering and then punch a cop in the face. That would be FUN! Anyway, what I was going to bring up, was a certain woman of authority in a green dress at a bar mitzvah. Whether it was going to the bathroom, watching TV, or even leaving the place, this woman would be enraged. She would threaten to kick us out, and she kept limiting our space to roam in the building. First it was STAY IN THE BUILDING. Then it was STAY OUT OF THE BAR/TV AREA. Then it was STAY IN THE DINING ROOM AND DON'T EVEN GO NEAR THE DOOR OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. Just when I was afraid she would restrict us to the corners or under the tables, she mysteriously disappeared. Maybe she went back to the underworld. ANYWAY, that's all that mattered to me, or (MARSHALL SANDOVAL) today. Have a good one, whatever that means.
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