Ever meet on of those idiots who complain about every little thing? I hate them. There are simple solutions to everything! Desperately need a new car? The black market. A new house? The black market? A good night? The black market. Free music? Anywhere on the internet but itunes. But that's besides the point. Besides the point that I hate itunes enough to do something about it. Have a strike, read a book. That could solve healthcare. Go to the black market, hire some thugs, and beat the sh*t out of Texas. Tada, probelm solved! Oh no, I think I've revealed my political identity. I guess this would be an appropriate moment to reverse that and say: "Palin 012!" Except it won't be 012, it'll just be 12. 12, period. Got that, morons? Are you trying to send us into the decimals? I bet you don't even know what a decimal is... I guess would be an appropriate moment to get back on topic...
But I've said every thing already. Just shut your faces and head down town!
P.S. Haha I just realized Rants name isn't in the title! Ha!
P.S.S. Yes, all of my posts are dedicated to contradicting you.
I'll take that as a challenge.