Let me start this off by saying that everyone will remember that vampires were all the rage in 2009. (No pun intended). True blood, Cirk de Freak or whatever, and Twilight of course. I really don't hate twilight that much, the book is bad, but not terrible, the movie is also bad, but really not horrible. WHAT I DO hate are twilight fans. I hate all the people who say "Edward Cullen is so hot!" and have screen names that are like "LUVbellaCULLEN123334445556789". I feel like getting sick. And then there are all those other poser vampire books/movies/TV shows that try to steal the fame, like True Blood (I barely know what that is) and Cirk de Freak or whatever. There are so many new books and movies that are just screaming "HEY WE HAVE VAMPIRES TOO!" and begging tween girls to watch them. Why have vampires become such a popular part of entertainment? What happened to zombies or cannibals or mummies? I really would rather see zombies wrapped in toilet paper than sparkling vampires. I hate when people say they are in love with Edward Cullen. I know I am not the first one to rant about this, but, Edward Cullen.....Isn't real. What I hate probably the most is when people say, OMG, I'm on TEAM JACOB! Or TEAM EDWARD! If only they knew how annoying they sounded. For your enjoyment, I have gathered a list of Twilight Disease symptoms from a funny group I found on Facebook. Credits to Chris Bobb and Justin Brown, whoever they are.
Symptoms may include:
1. You want to marry fictional vampires
2. You envy pale, fictional girls named Bella
3. You joined a "team" that is led by either a fictional vampire or a fictional werewolf
4. You enjoyed the movie that was terrible by all standards
5. You don't mind incredibly prude writing
6. You are a conformist
7. You have arguments over who loves Jacob more
8. You have started or joined a "vampire" group at your school
9. You want to be a Mormon like Stephanie Meyer
If you are a twilight fan offended by my rant, please email your complaint to jesushatesyou@fakeadress.com.
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