OK, I have been using iTunes for a good 4 years, and I swear that every time I have opened it, something gets worse about it every time. I rarely buy CDs anymore, and I have them all uploaded to my iTunes library so, I pretty much rely on iTunes for music. So do a couple other million people. First of all, iTunes raising the price of one individual song to what used to be the price of a music video, everyone knows about that. But have you ever looked at the "free" section of music? The only thing that's ever free is backstage behind the scenes movie things or some tween TV show that 11 year old girls watch. And the free single of the week, well, I always download it, because, ITS FREE. BUT that doesn't mean that it's any good. The Single for the past week has been "The One" By Slaughterhouse, which is OK, but I still think that Slaughterhouse named their song "The One" to confuse people- Person A- Hey, did you by The One by Slaughterhouse? Person B- Which one by Slaughterhouse? Person A- No, "The One" from Slaughterhouse. Person B- Which One from Slaughterhouse? AND, you get the point. For some reason, the original explicit Slaughterhouse track "The One" has a five star rating on iTunes, which barely anything has, but the free clean one has two and a half, which sucks. Another free thing on iTunes that isn't backstage garbage is One Time, the music video by Justin Bieber. (See what I mean about the tween junk?!). A number of new music videos have been free for like a few hours, so i downloaded them- The Fixer, by Pearl Jam, and Celebration, by Madonna. Other Things that annoy me and other people about iTunes, ALBUM ONLY TRACKS. In case you are a mental patient and you don't know what that means, it means you have to buy the whole album to get the song, I can't believe some people need that explained to them. Sometimes album only tracks are the best songs on the otherwise junky album, and iTunes wants you to pay an extra 9 dollars or so for one song... Probably the thing that annoys me the most, is when you try to buy a song, and iTunes says "SORRY, this video is NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY" Arg! What kind of song is so special that you can only buy it if your German? Some great German songs you can only buy if your German, and some great AMERICAN SONGS you can only buy if your German. INCLUDING POPULAR AMERICAN BANDS like Green Day, you can only buy some bonus tracks on American Idiot if you are German. I AM GERMAN, but I do not have a German iTunes account, another thing that annoys me about iTunes is that, the first letter of iTunes is not capital, while the T is capital, but I won't go there right now. Some of you are probably wondering what the sunday morning rant is, well every Sunday morning, I sum up the week in a rant that is usually long, for me, and I introduce you with a certain topic, in this case, iTunes, the I rant about the previous week. Well, Last week has been pretty much the worst week of summer for me. Last Sunday, I went to the beach, making it the best day of the week, the next day, I pretty much ate cookies and chips and lounged around, making it a good day. The next few days went downhill from that. Tuesday, i figured out the a good friend is moving a ways away, I found this out when I was lounging around, we were out of chips and cookies, so I ate taco shells and pasta sauce, and the occaisianal slice of cheese. The I went biking, so I could buy a book that I don't want to read, as it turns out, I didn't bring enough cash, so I decided to stop at Quickchek and get something, but by the time I thought about that, I was far past Quickchek and about 3 meters away from my house. I spent the rest of the evening unwillingly reading that book that I eventually got bought for my by someone else, while I listened to "Snakes on a Plane" get played really loudly where the TV is. Wednesday, I slept until it was about dinner time for most people, taking out another precious day until school starts. Did I mention that this entire week people were constantly reminding me about how school was about to start? I ALREADY KNOW THAT SCHOOL IS PAINFULLY CLOSE, I DON'T NEED TO BE REMINDED THAT I HAVE TO READ MY BOOK AND WRITE AN ESSAY, plus, I got a bad schedule that I can't change. ARG! Thursday, I posted to the blog and went biking to meet someone at the plaza who never showed up and left me waiting there for about two and a half hours. On Friday, the exact same thing happened except I was waiting with another friend, and we realized that when we stuck a bag of potato chips into a part of the bike, we would sound like a motorcycle. The Unnamed third person (AckJay IeldsFay) never showed up, so I got a pizza and some candy and went back home. Well, we all know what happened after that, I throw up, slip on my vomit, dream about posting, blah blah blah. The Next day after the incedent what probably the dullest of dull days, Where I had to read that book And I only ate berries and saltines all day, now, here I am, today, and this week is looking up, and down. It is looking up because we are planning to go to the beach again, and I am going to go to one of my favorite restaurants in the world tommorow, but it is also looking down because september ninth always has been and will be the worst day of the year, the day where fun and freedom gets held hostage until the next june, and it beaten and torured in the meantime. As you may have guessed, september ninth is when school starts. School used to be okay, I made friends and learned new things, but once you pass elemantary school, you never use 90% of the stuff they teach you in school, and it is a complete bore. Well, to end this Sunday Morning Rant on a good note, I am going to watch the US Open, and eat potato chips, have a good week.
Ever heard of limewire?
yes, and i am pretty sure that it gives a fair amount of Malaysian virus opportunities.