OK, then me start off this post by saying that whenever I see all that back to school garbage, I always see apples. Are they in season? But, what does that have to do with school? And, also, they usually show it on a teachers desk, usually with a pencil and a test with an "A" on it. Judging by the grades I get, that doesn't happen very often, only a little. Propaganda, that's what it is. Is teachers really had apples on their desks, wouldn't they eventually go bad? Well, I guess that why they sometimes show a worm in it. But the worm usually has a big smiley face, and sometimes glasses. I think that if someone were to make on honest back to school poster, they should make a teachers desk with a rotting apple on it, a bunch of maggots eating it, and a few flies buzzing around, with a test that has a huge D on it next to the apple. and the pencil should have teeth marks and a broken tip. That's what a fair "back to school poster" would look like. I would make one, but the other guy wants me to finish this post before he makes another one, so he doesn't have three in a row and "sell out". If I were to make that poster, it would take much longer than my Malaysian offender picture. One thing I thought I might note in this post is that we have more fans on facebook than followers on the blog. we get roughly two fans a day, and two followers a week. Now, either some people on facebook just see RH as a highlight and immedialtey become a fan, without seeing what The Raging Hobbit is, or they just click the links that I post. I highliy suggest that whoever you are or for whatever reason you're reading this, click the big FOLLOW button on the right hand side under the blog archive. And reccomend it to friends. And do whatever you can to make people see our blog. I hope that isn't asking too much.
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