Yes, I know I failed to make a Sunday Morning Rant yesterday, but believe it or not, I have a life, and I had things to do that day. This post will be the Sunday Morning Rant to make up for yesterday. As an introduction, I will say some things about customer service people. OK, so as you may know, customer service for Internet Explorer fails because you just talk to a Robot Woomun. Whenever you click "contact us" on any site or whatever, you end up talking to someone that either is a robot and doesnt understand anything, of someone who takes about a week to respond to your email, and then says "I can't help you." I especially hate when they sign something like "Your Friendly customer service pals" I am not your friend! I don't even know you! And if I did, I would probably hate you! Another thing I wanted to talk about is what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift at the MTV music awards. Everyone hates Kanye West now, but I personally think that Taylor Swift's music Video sucked, and Beyonce should have gotten that award. Taylor Swift is such a poser, and she thniks she's all country when her songs are all just pop-junk. Everyone made this whole big deal about how her song was the first "country" song to be number one in the charts in like thirty years. I hate country music (especially that big green tractor one, what was that??) and I could care less about it, but Taylor Swift's music is an insult to real country artists. One quick thing that I want to add was an unfortunate event that happened when I was playing mobsters and I accidentaly punched myself in the face and dealt two damage. But it could've been worse, there is a way you can attack yourself and shoot yourself and stuff. I think it's a glitch, they must get rid of that. See picture. OK, so this week in review. Monday. I do nothing. I watch a little US open and eat pretzels. Tuesday. School supplies. US Open. Frisbee with friends. Last day of break Pretzels. Wednesday. School. US Open. Pretzels. Thursday. School. Ice Cream. US Open. Pretzels. Friday. School. Movie. Ice Cream. US Open. Pretzels. Saturday, now heres where things start to get interesting- US Open. Pretzels. Sunday. Movie. US Open. Sickness. Headache. Having trouble breathing. Flu. Bump head on bottom of sink. Cat watches in horror. Cat scratches foot. Foot bleeds. No Sleep. At all. Unwilling all-nighter. Monday. Stay home from school. Not feeling any better. Get red plastic and metal thing in mouth. Very uncomfortable. Pink Panther. Borat. US Open. Pretzels. Stub Toe. Take anger out on innocent stuffed duck. Sickness not looking up at all. Looks like another bad week, sorry about the delayed rant, as if you were weeping about it anyway. Goodbye.
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