Ok, Its the first Sunday before Christmas. I have a lot to talk about. First I will sum up my week off from school. Monday was interesting. That was the day I was going to make potato latkes, but I decided to make a post about Santa. I ate at a really good restaurant on Bloomfield ave. Let me tell you about Bloomfield ave. It has 2 of my four favorite restaurants. Unfortunately, big stupid stores take up space for more restaurants. There is this one furniture store caclled the Hampton House that no one goes in. I have never seen anyone in there, anyone walk in there, or anyone walk out of there. It is huge, too. I don't understand how they stay in business. Well one day, I was on Bloomdfield and noticed a place called Elevation Burger. I thought to myself, thats where the Hampton House was! And I was very happy, and kept walking, until I noticed a familiar furniture store with no one in it. Elevation Burger must have bought a different place. Let me tell you about Tuesday. I made a scrumptious macaroni and cheese, and a cranberry relish with Father Rant. Let me tell you about Wednesday. On the highway to Maine. Rest stop was very bad. There was only one restaurant that actually served hot food, which was what I craved at the time. it was called Papa Gino's, and let me tell you it was one of the worst pizzas I have had in my life. There wasn't really a sauce, it was just like tomato skins, and the crust was so chewy you could rip a piece off without losing teeth, and the cheese was so bad, it was like baked rubber with salt. It was like that kind of mozzarella cheese you have to really chew like gum to actually make it edible. And once you chew it, it gets all dry and disgusting. There was a Ben and Jerry's there, though, so it pretty much saved my life. I got to Maine and went to sleep. Let me tell you about my Thursday in Maine. I learned to moonwalk and I moonwalked so much that my feet got sore. I also watched some weird guy cooking. Let me tell you about chefs on TV. First, there is Rachel Ray. Easy to rant about. Rachel Ray is not a chef, she is an actor. Some weird guy who cooks ells her what to do, bu his face is probably really ugly that they don't show him on TV, they show a young girl instead. Kind of like the little Chinese girl who lip-synced at the Summer Olympics because the real girl who was singing was kind of fat. Ok, other chefs. Theres that weird guy who thinks he's really hot, and cooks under candle light and stuff. Like ok, if you want to be a male model, but you make me lose my appetite when you cook like that and stuff. And you make bad food. Oh, and there's Paula Deen. Probably the scariest person I have ever seen. She looks like a stalker and she scares me. Yep, thats her in the picture. Anyway, I had a great Thanksgiving. The dinner conversation went from Mexican food to gay people somehow, and I think at one point we were talking about aesthetic realism. You know, the people who try to make people un-gay. I laugh when I hear about aesthetic realism. I put it under the same category as Scientologists and Mayan Armageddon believers. Now let me tell you about Friday. Black Friday. Fortunately no one died. But I did hear some thing funny on the radio. "Apparently, lots of people rushed to Walmart today to buy the heavily advertised sale electronics. They left disappointed to find that they had all been quickly taken by early shoppers." But that wasn't the funniest part. They said that since everything was bought early, people have nothing to buy for Christmas. JESUS! DO YOU HAVE TO GO TO A WALMART FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT? And electronics aren't your only option JUST because they are on sale! Are electronics TOO EXPENSIVE if there isn't a 10% discount on them? The point is to buy a good present, not just buy what's on sale! Jesus, I thought I hated shoppers before. Well I better wrap this up. My Saturday was uneventful. My Sunday is uneventful SO FAR, but it WILL NOT BE, because I am going to Lombardi's Pizza, epic restaurant.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday Morning Ranta
Ok, Its the first Sunday before Christmas. I have a lot to talk about. First I will sum up my week off from school. Monday was interesting. That was the day I was going to make potato latkes, but I decided to make a post about Santa. I ate at a really good restaurant on Bloomfield ave. Let me tell you about Bloomfield ave. It has 2 of my four favorite restaurants. Unfortunately, big stupid stores take up space for more restaurants. There is this one furniture store caclled the Hampton House that no one goes in. I have never seen anyone in there, anyone walk in there, or anyone walk out of there. It is huge, too. I don't understand how they stay in business. Well one day, I was on Bloomdfield and noticed a place called Elevation Burger. I thought to myself, thats where the Hampton House was! And I was very happy, and kept walking, until I noticed a familiar furniture store with no one in it. Elevation Burger must have bought a different place. Let me tell you about Tuesday. I made a scrumptious macaroni and cheese, and a cranberry relish with Father Rant. Let me tell you about Wednesday. On the highway to Maine. Rest stop was very bad. There was only one restaurant that actually served hot food, which was what I craved at the time. it was called Papa Gino's, and let me tell you it was one of the worst pizzas I have had in my life. There wasn't really a sauce, it was just like tomato skins, and the crust was so chewy you could rip a piece off without losing teeth, and the cheese was so bad, it was like baked rubber with salt. It was like that kind of mozzarella cheese you have to really chew like gum to actually make it edible. And once you chew it, it gets all dry and disgusting. There was a Ben and Jerry's there, though, so it pretty much saved my life. I got to Maine and went to sleep. Let me tell you about my Thursday in Maine. I learned to moonwalk and I moonwalked so much that my feet got sore. I also watched some weird guy cooking. Let me tell you about chefs on TV. First, there is Rachel Ray. Easy to rant about. Rachel Ray is not a chef, she is an actor. Some weird guy who cooks ells her what to do, bu his face is probably really ugly that they don't show him on TV, they show a young girl instead. Kind of like the little Chinese girl who lip-synced at the Summer Olympics because the real girl who was singing was kind of fat. Ok, other chefs. Theres that weird guy who thinks he's really hot, and cooks under candle light and stuff. Like ok, if you want to be a male model, but you make me lose my appetite when you cook like that and stuff. And you make bad food. Oh, and there's Paula Deen. Probably the scariest person I have ever seen. She looks like a stalker and she scares me. Yep, thats her in the picture. Anyway, I had a great Thanksgiving. The dinner conversation went from Mexican food to gay people somehow, and I think at one point we were talking about aesthetic realism. You know, the people who try to make people un-gay. I laugh when I hear about aesthetic realism. I put it under the same category as Scientologists and Mayan Armageddon believers. Now let me tell you about Friday. Black Friday. Fortunately no one died. But I did hear some thing funny on the radio. "Apparently, lots of people rushed to Walmart today to buy the heavily advertised sale electronics. They left disappointed to find that they had all been quickly taken by early shoppers." But that wasn't the funniest part. They said that since everything was bought early, people have nothing to buy for Christmas. JESUS! DO YOU HAVE TO GO TO A WALMART FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT? And electronics aren't your only option JUST because they are on sale! Are electronics TOO EXPENSIVE if there isn't a 10% discount on them? The point is to buy a good present, not just buy what's on sale! Jesus, I thought I hated shoppers before. Well I better wrap this up. My Saturday was uneventful. My Sunday is uneventful SO FAR, but it WILL NOT BE, because I am going to Lombardi's Pizza, epic restaurant.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Ok, so I don't know what to talk about, so I will type everything that first comes to my mind. This is completely real, nothing I will put was previously thought out. This is called "Blogstorming" Were doing this real time here. The pizza I ate on my way back from Maine. Not eating any lobsters in Maine. Being vegetarian. I wonder how sham wow would taste, it doesn't really smell that good. I wonder if anyone died in Walmart today. Confessions of a Shopaholic. Ranta Claus. That stuffed head took me a really long time to sew. Listening to Blondie. Listening to the Indigo Girls. The Beach Boys either sing about surfing of girls from California. Realizing that the Indigo Girls are lesbian. Not really caring. I wonder if the Indigo Girls are a couple. Googling. No, they are not a couple. I wonder if the beach boys actually surf. I wonder why the only guy in ZZ- Top without a beard had the last name "Beard". I think I am going to put labels on The Raging Hobbit to keep it more organized. I've seen other bloggers do it. Now I am thinking of Ratatouille. The dish, not the movie with the fat and the fat dead guy with the French accent. I think I might make Ratatouille for a late dinner. I wonder what the hell Ratatouille is. OK, mind is going back on topic. That was quite an adventure. Anyway, with the end of Thanksgiving, we enter the Christmas season. Now, it is officially that time of year. I know this was a bad post, but seriously, I had nothing to talk about. Now that you have explored the depths of the mind of Rant, you can see how the mind of Raging Hobbit works. I bet one of you is making a list of all the things I "accidentaly" say, and one day you will blackmail me with all of it. (Note #115- Rant listens to Blondie. Note #116- Rant listens to The Indigo Girls.) Well with that, I leave you another midless post. Have a happy 10:57 pm!
Happy Black Friday!
Oh hi there! I've just been tallying the number of people that have died at that one Wal*Mart here this morning! Did you know that at the rate it's going, Wal*Mart will have killed as many people as Quentin Tarantino by the end of today? A new record! Now, I've counted out the facts. On this day, named for the stock market crash for some obscure reason, in the past 20 years, it was not ToysRus; not Target; not even Bush; but Wal*Mart who has killed the most people. And still, foolish fat Americans and their 6-year-old whiny kids who have nothing better to do but buy out dated toys and video games at .0000001% off risk their lives by entering a store designed to fit half as many people. Men, women, and children have been trampled, shot, hosed, and even squashed to death inside Wal*Mart. Did you know that it is guaranteed that at least 1 person in every Wal*Mart on this day will have an injury. And that ranges from a cut on ones finger to decapitation. This year, they are increasing security. Great, even less room!
If you are here, and now, I am very glad you are. Because that must mean you are not out shopping. Unless you're a total jackass and you're paying $10 a minute to get internet on your old crappy phone... that you bought at Wal*Mart.
You're lucky this site can't take more than 1 image at a time and process it correctly, because I have a bunch of pictures to show. But, let's get down to basics. Why the hell is black friday called black friday?
It's said to be a reference to traffic. I think it's actually related to the fact that when you get a concussion, you black out and then keel over. Everyone get's concussions today! Right now, I am sitting at home drinking hot coco by the fire place, watching the Black Friday forecast on youtube live. Look, someone just died!
Have a wonderful day, and rest assured the percentage of death today increases by the percentage of "great" deals that are going on at big box stores. An Xbox for ten dollars! All you have to do is lose both limbs!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A New Look
Ok, If you are a dedicated Raging Hobbit reader, you would realize that we have changed our profile picture. That is because our old picture was copyright infringing. Let me first tell you how long it took me to sew that head. I have only sewed once before, when I put a button on a jacket. That alone took me like half an hour. Now imagine me sewing a head out of an old shirt and a bed sheet. I know it looks bad, but it took me three hours. And putting it on a white surface with a knife, and mind you, I sharpened the knife JUST for the photo, and I took a picture, which took me like a half an hour, when when I was going to upload it, my camera ran out of battery right away, and I had to charge it, another hour, then upload it, 10 minutes, crop and edit it, 30 minutes, and make it the profile picture for everything Raging Hobbit related. Well I hope you appreciate it. I am going to make a body and Ranta Claus hat, and he will be the first Raging Hobbit plush toy. If you want to buy him voodoo with a bunch of pins, that is an option too. The best part about owning a plush Ranta toy is that you automatically get on Ranta's good list. And trust me, that is important. Ranta Claus's post will be on the 24th of December, and it is going to be really long. And no, I'm not going to write a lengthy post on Christmas Eve, RANTA CLAUS will. You may notice signs of his annual arrival, like traces of cocaine on our posts. Its that time of year.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Its That Time Of Year
..Because this week, it's Black Friday. Every insane shopper in the world surrounds us. And we all know what happened last year. If there is anyone I hate more than bloggers, its shoppers. Shoppers who run and scream with their shopping carts spending aways with their holy credit card, buying a million things and making a huge line at the checkout and causing traffic in a mile radius of any Walmart or Target. And most of the things they buy, they never use. Well this Friday, it's every shopper's paradise. I don't even know why everyone rushes to Walmart this week, I think it has something to do with Thanksgiving or a sale or something. Well all I know is that I am probably going to be locked in my house on Friday, or maybe watching a movie or something, far away from any Walmart. Another thing I will talk about is movies. I'm not 18 yet, so the movie ticket guys won't let me see good movies with my friends. Well i know a lot of people who have this problem, so I have made a list of ways to avoid this. OK, we will use my experience as an example. I want to see District 9, not Aliens in The Attic. Me- Can I see District 9? Movie ticket annoying guy- I need to see some ID. Me- Can I just get the tickets anyway? Movie ticket annoying guy- can't sell those to you. You want to see Aliens in The Attic? Ok, now you have options. Option A- Go to automatic machine thing and buy the tickets. Machines don't ask you for ID. They are easy to fool. See robot post. Option B- Ok, I will see Aliens In The Attic. Get Tickets for Aliens in The Attic. Walk into District 9. Option C- Find a random guy to pretend he is with you and get him to buy the tickets. Then pay him back (optional). Sometimes there is a nice guy there, I guess you have to be lucky. These are three ways to fool movie ticket guys/movie ticket robots. Now I am running out of ideas. What should I talk about...I KNOW! I will talk about EDWARDS PIRATE RANTS. More Hobbit offspring. Hans't posted since the 18th. Raging Hobbit is still superior. Oh, and remember I Hate Etc Etc? He hasn't posted since October. Good luck to that guy. Also Remember that Ranta Claus is watching you. It is that time of year. Ranta Claus is the alter ego of Santa. If you are good, he smuggles drugs from Columbia and delivers them via chimney. If you're bad, he sends his elves to take you out. There is no middle ground. It's that time of year.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Santa Is Coming
Ok, let me start off this post by saying that I have started this thing called "discussions" on Facebook, which is a great way to let my readers talk to me. Maybe I might actually look at what you said! Give it a try. There is one slight problem though, I don't know how to make is so readers can't post topics. If there is anything I don't want, its for a bunch of people to make post topics like "last post wins!", "who is obsessed with megan fox?", or "check out my website!" Note- these are all real topics taken from a popular fan page. So, for the sake of Raging Hobbit, please do not start any discussions, let ME start them. Actually, I will make this more straightforward. ANYONE WHO STARTS A DISCUSSION TOPIC WILL BE BANNED FROM RAGING HOBBIT WORLD. End of story. So just don't do it, OK? Now I will begin to talk about Santa Claus. I love Christmas, but like every holiday, there are some drawbacks I must address. I have been seeing Christmas decorations since August. Do you know what that means? It means if the Christmas season started in August, over a thir dof the year would be "Christmas time". Christmas season would be three seasons, Summer, Fall, and Winter. There would be Christmas decorations during Halloween. Santa Claus would have to work overtime. These are some things we need to think about when we put up decorations. Go through this in a step by step process. Step one. Think.. AM I going to screw up any other holiday by having inappropriate decorations, (i.e. Christmas decorations during Halloween?) Step Two- Think.. Are my Christmas decorations tacky enough for Rant to mention me in a post? Step Three- Think.. Would you be doing this if Santa was watching me? Go through all of these steps and have a safe holiday season. Another thing I will talk about is Santa Claus. Who was the first person to think, "lets make kids believe in an american fat guy who manages to have enough gifts to give every Christian in the world yet still manages to fit everything on a flying sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer?" Well he must have been a genius, because it worked, and kids think about this guy almost every day in December. I hate those losers who talk about how its bad that parents make their kids believe this stuff, or worse, the idiots who make a bad man out of Santa. Read this..
"As everyone knows,
After years of analyzing story books and three years on my apprenticeship at Santa's Workshop located in the North Pole, I have discovered really and truly the reason that so much corruption is hindering the progress of the American people. It's all because of Santa and his little stooges up there in the North Pole.
Unfortunately, because Santa Claus has brainwashed so many people into believing that he is a good honest person, this stance will be a difficult one to take. In reality, Santa Claus is a prejudice pedophile, bent on world domination. He sets a bad example the world over and promotes consumerism, communism, and obesity. Not only that, but his treatment of Mrs. Claus is atrocious. That the feminist movement has never taken this issue up to the North Pole, in itself, is a startling realization that the American people are extremely ignorant upon this important subject.
On my internship at Santa's workshop, I found many startling atrocities developing inside Santa's little "fun house." Santa Claus uses slave labor in order to manufacture his toys. His little elves are all made to work day in and day out without any pay except for Mrs. Claus' cookies. Because these little elves are less fortunate than you or I they have no idea that slavery has been outlawed, and that if they worked at
Now, have you ever heard the song "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"? Well, you know the drill. Santa asked Rudolph to join his team of reindeer and Rudolph volunteered. Well, don't believe it. It's all a lie. The bitter truth is that, in my startling interview with Rudolph it turns out he has a very different story indeed. The reality is that Rudolph is a just a regular reindeer with a red light bulb Scotch taped onto his nose. He is using Rudolph as a freak show in order to make a profit. Every Rudolph movie and Rudolph song and Rudolph stuffed animal, now I know this will be a shock, but every one of those items is completely....FICTIONAL!! Santa Claus is a fake and a fraud.
Most of us have had our doubts about the Santa's in our local shopping centers, and the truth is that most of them are fakes, but Santa also goes to the shopping centers each year. He doesn't have to, but the truth is that Santa is a pedophile who feeds on little children. Why do you think that you hear so often about a poor little child who is afraid of Santa or who cried on Santa's lap? The truth is that Santa is copping a feel. This sick man has brainwashed the entire nation into believing that it is normal to allow their little children to sit on a strange man's lap just because he is wearing a horribly out of fashion winter suit. Where do you think all the child molesters of the world came from? They learned it from watching Santa Claus.
Santa is also a blatant racist. He is completely anti-Semitic and prints anti-Semitic literature. He is always talking about how the "nice" little boys and girls will get presents at Christmas. Did you ever wonder why no little Jewish boys and girls ever get a Tonka truck under the menorah from Santa? It's because Santa is affiliated with the KKK!! In fact he's heading it up! None of the naughty children receive presents. In this case the naughty children all just happen to where yarmulkes. Coincidence? I think not.
Song lyrics such as "he's making a list, he's checking it twice, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice..." , sound eerily like Nazi chants to me. And these are songs which children sing every day. Our children are growing up to be little Hitlers!
We haven't even approached the issue of animal rights. Santa Claus is the reason that animals are so ill treated in
And as for his submissive little wife, she doesn't even admit to having a first name. How out of touch is she? Santa is obviously an abusive alcoholic. I mean, come on, with his face always being red and all, and that massive beer belly, he must be the biggest alcoholic of all time. Who knows what he puts in that egg nog? Also, due to the submissiveness of his wife and her obvious mental disorder displayed through her incessant need to bake cookies, it is possible to infer that Santa beats her. What with his obvious power hungry personality, lecherous behavior, and sick use of slave labor, his abusive behavior should not be surprising. To be perfectly blunt, has anyone ever really seen Mrs. Claus? I never did...for all we know he may have beaten her to death, chopped her up into a million bite sized pieces and fed her to the reindeer long long ago. Either that, or they are divorced finally and Mrs. Claus is living on welfare while deadbeat Dad Santa Claus refuses to pay child support for their little elves. But, let's not infer anything without the facts.
Lastly, I have come to believe, through years and years of careful research that Santa Claus is bent on world domination. That commie bastard wants to turn the whole world toward communism. It is already present in his workshop- everyone dressed the same, list upon list of every single citizen. Everyone knows that those candy canes contain mind control. He knows every little thing about you. He could attack at anytime. Big Brother is watching you, and his name is St. Nick. Because Santa is the only one who decides who's naughty and nice, we have no way of stopping his evil plan. He has set up propaganda the world over to promote his campaign. They are called malls. As the shoppers pour in every year, spending every single cent they have on Christmas presents, they get more and more ingrained into their heads Santa's evil messages. They hear the Christmas music in every store, subliminally telling them to kill all Jews, they see the posters everywhere convincing them that spending every cent is best for all. You see, Santa's plan is to leave everyone penniless, so that they have no choice, but to listen to his demands. Then he will be supreme ruler of the world. Sick isn't it?
The only solution is to put an end to Santa Claus. He is obviously the one and only reason why humans have become so utterly wicked. His tendency to feed on small children, the treatment of his wife, his obvious affiliation with the KKK, and his plan for world domination, should make Santa Claus Public Enemy Number One this year. So next time you take your child to see Santa Claus, give him a gun and say, "Honey, if Santa tries to cop a feel this year, blow his brains out." Besides, your kid can't be tried as an adult anyway, so what's the harm really if you think about it. And whatever you do, stay away from the candy canes."
Ahh.. This is exaclty what I am talking about. Whether joking or not, I don't like Julie Wernau depicting Santa as a Racist Nazi Pedophile, or that he is "copping a feel" when little children sit on his lap. Santa provides a certain vibe of well being during winter, and although this is a satire piece, it slowly degrades the Santa feeling, and it isn't really funny. I hate Santa jokes and parodies. There are a lot of things to joke about, its not that I find Santa jokes disturbing or anything, they're just not that funny. Leave the guy alone, he has to watch and observe Christian kids his entire life. Now here is one religious figure that you can joke about and not cause controversy, he's.... RANTA CLAUS! He is the cynical, Nazi pedophile alter ego of Santa. Of course, he is Rant, the infamous blogger in his normal days, but during the Christmas Season, he turns into a Nazi Pedophile Christmas Villan, Ranta Claus!
..Rant..or so it seems..
Sunday, November 22, 2009
10th Edition Sunday Morning Rant
Friday, November 20, 2009
Paintball and 2012
OK, everyones talking about the movie 2012 and saying its either really bad or really good. It got semi-bad reviews, but you know, a lot of good movies are mis-judged. Personally, I like to punch and destroy things when people talk about the world ending in 2012, but I love disaster movies, and this seemed like the ultimate Earth-Getting-Beat-Up movie. There are other movies out too, like New Moon, but I've been through that already. If you have not heard what I have to say about twilight, please, I don't feel like repeating it, so for my sake, go to the blog archive and find my twilight post. So many people were talking about New Moon today, which kind of upped my anger level. What also upped my anger level was the fact that I busted my knee in gym, because my gym teacher stacked a bunch of slabs of plastic that we had to jump on, and fell, of course, when I jumped on it. Then when I was attempting to moonwalk which I was doing pretty well at, I strained my hamstring, and I was on crutches for a day. Anyway, tomorrow I am going paint balling, which sounds fun. Shooting paint pellets at each other, men will be men. If anyone has done this before, please tell me how it is, because I am pretty excited. But don't tell me that it sucks, otherwise I will become less excited. In other words, only tell me good things. Lying is OK.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I Haven't Posted In A While But I Will Start Posting More Because I Finished Standardized Testing and a History Report.
Do you know what I hate? I hate liking bad songs, songs that are so bad yet catchy, and you have to listen to them. Me, being a non-pop listener, have a lot, because I listen to pop-radio every morning on the bus. Here are some songs I hate to love.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Ok, I went to a library to get some info on my report, and I didn't find a book. Not only that, but I had an unusual experience. let me just first say, you see the weirdest people in libraries. Whether it's the homeless lunatic or the bearded lady, you always see someone in a library thats just a little offbeat. When I was taking the elevator to the second floor because the staircase smells really bad, I frantically pressed the "door close" button so this creepy lady wouldn't be able to ride in the same elevator as me. If you've had any experience with elevators, you would know that no matter how many time you press the "door close" button, nothing happens. SO I was forced to take the elevator with a creepy lady and a guy who smelled really bad. Another thing about libraries is that the computers they have to find books don't help at all. They take a really long time to load, and then they tell you a book is "in stock", "available", or 30 different ways of telliong you that the bok is in the library. Then it turns out that "in stock" means the book isn't here, "available means the book is here" and the 30 other ways mean something totally different. When you finally decode the library language and look for your book, you have to figure out the Dewey Decimal System that nobody except librarians understands. When you finally get to where your book SHOULD be, it isn't there. Oh, and of course, how could I forget. The kids using the computers for doing their stupid kid stuff, and you need the computer to work on your project or find a book. Not only that, kids don't know what "peaceful" means, so they have the kid pix theme song playing at near top volume, and of course, their lousy parents aren't doing a thing. Now it's time to leave the library. The creepy librarian always glares at you when you don't check out a book. She also glares at you if you DO check out a book. She just glares all the time. Thats all I have to say about libraries right now.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
51st Anniversary Raging Hobbit
Sorry to the site I ripped this image from. Anyway, now that you're done laughing at my brilliant title, I am going to give an explanation to the above picture...
Today's post is: Pure Evil!
As you can see the kitten is devastatingly malicious. That's what I call TAKING A BITE OUT OF CRIME! Bravo W!
Anyway, I won't be talking about GW today. Instead, I'll talk about a certain unnamed satanic icon who is attempting to overthrow my yet-to-exist regime.
Here is this unnamed satanic icon's master plan:
Give me a bad grade on a test>do not show me the test>have parent sign test>turn in the grade before the semester ends which it just did!
As you can see again, I am screwed. Like George Bush who's about to get a coronary because that cat is waaaay to fat. Like him. Fat cat...
So, there's your 51st post. Love it or lose it.
Friday, November 13, 2009
50th Anniversary Raging Hobbit
For post number 50, I will use a suggestion given by a fan on the Facebook page. Have you ever gotten a link to something, the browser gets all weird and you see an old man masturbating or two girls and a cup? Well, apparently, this is something everyone has experienced. I can name a few people who actually look up websites like this just to give them to people. OK, so it's not really funny seeing old guys do their stuff, but do you know what keeps you watching? They play some addicting song in the background that you don't know the name of, and you keep listening to the song, plus the fact that when try to close the window, nothing happens, and you need to shut down your computer, at which point you are scared of the internet. Well, maybe this only happens to me. The fan also suggested I write about those scary faces that pop out at you, but personally, I find that hilarious, and I send them to people all the time, so I would feel like a Hippo Crisp. One thing I will add about posting on the fan page is....please don't say things like, "look, I wrote something on the raging hobbit!", actually give us feedback or at least something semi-important. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, I added a new sausage link on the side. Please look at pictures and find differences. Its made in Germany, you know, the Germans always make good stuff. I will finish this post with an interesting fact- did you know that gorillas breathe through their eyes?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This Isn't Really a Post
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday Morning Rant VIII
Here it is, the post that follows up on the old lady that stalks people. I have a guest here to help me write this, because he has had more encounters than me. So... this guy goes to physical therapy because his spine is out of whack. There is this old lady there that stares at the cripple the entire time. The cripple objects to my comment. I don't care, he's not the one writing this. Every time he goes, this old lady stares at him. When he was riding his bike my me, (I remember this part!) she was in the Char Broil Restaurant...whoa, I just noticed... restauRANT! Hehehe... anyway, she was staring at us, which was almost as creepy as the time I was at a low-quality restauRANT and a weird waitress asked where I was from and started shaking my head. Anyway, this lady followed the cripple to his house, then went back to her home. We later found out that she lives right next to the physical therapy place, so she probably just goes there to look at the cripple kid. Anyway, when I was biking, later that same day, with the cripple, we were in a church parking lot doing tricks and and other biker-related things. An old lady randomly ran out of the church yelling "You leave or I call the cop! I call the cop!" After we left, we decided to go back and see if she really would call the cops. But, we didn't. I was hungry, and got some ice cream from ColdStone. Which leads me to another story. My favorite ice cream from coldstone, chocolate and strawberry ice cream with sprikles and marshmallows, costs 5.01 cents. Yes, and coldtone likes their one cent. I had a five dollar bill, and they wouldn't take it. So when they weren't looking, I took a few bucks out of the tip jar and gave them their oh-so-important penny. Pennies really suck. No one uses them. A penny also costs more than one cent to make, so why do we need them? If we kept everything in big numbers, we wouldn't have coins that are barely worth anything. I also think that someone else should be on the penny, because Abe is already on the five. Maybe they should have like, Calvin Coolidge or somebody on the penny. Yea, the guy who looks like Hitler without the stache.
It's a Prophecy!
#57: George Bush, the true Moses, who led our people into the holy land
#58: Fighting outbreaks between Russia and Georgia, God told Putin to follow his command
#59: The great prophet, Elija Wood. He freed our people of the worship of gold.
May I just say #57 was the funniest. Anyway, since I love to make lists with numbers, I'll give you the series of events with the turnout of the dream that means everything:
1. Wednesday, 1:10 PM. I was violated by a rainbow colored article of clothing.
2. Thursday, 1:11 PM (Creepy huh,) I had diarrhea from all of the Kid Cuisine microwave meals I was eating
3. Friday: 1:12 AM. I wake up from the dream that I am about to tell you about:
I am walking from "uptown." I pass Ackjay Ieldsfay's old house. I see a guy in a gold camaro, and I wave hello because he looks like a friendly old guy. Then, out of habbit, I flip him off. Then he stalks me to the other side of the street, and by this time his car has somehow transformed into the pink thunderbird's car thingie, and then he roles down the window after getting into a traffic jam and says "It's impolite to flip off old people." Then he drives away.
Now there are many ways one can interpret that, but here's what I think it meant:
Gold Camaro: Memories from Steven Pastis's book forward.
Flipping old guy off: I have to stop doing that.
Old Guy: God.
Pink Thunderbird Car: The show was pretty cool. The remake sucked, but it had better special effects and the car looked better. I would kill to drive thunderbird five. Or maybe the red rocket. I found a toy submarine the other day, and it turned out to be thunderbird 4. Oh well.
So, what we make of this, is that I read to many comics, I swear a lot, rocket ships are cool, and that God is here with us, driving a car, the car took shape two times, but it could possibly be a third.
There's one more event that plays out. Yesterday, at 1:13 PM, I see a car with a Yankee's license plate and an old guy driving in it. I assume this old guy is Yogi Bear or whatever his name is.
Therefore, Yogi Bear is God. If I were you, I'd try to prevent a forest fire right now.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It Happened In A Day...
We reached 10 followers and got two wall posts almost immediately after my going on strike. We managed not to miss a day, which is good. I would like to talk about corn for a little. Corn on the cob is great. Corn chips are amazing. And of course popcorn, is one of the best foods. Do you know what I hate? Frozen corn in a bag that you microwave and put some butter on. It tastes like dead people! Its terrible! I feel sick when I eat it. Come on, if you want corn, just smear some butter on the cob and shove it down your mouth. You don't need to buy frozen corn, heat it up, put butter on, and eat it, just eat it normally. Do you know what else tastes bad? I mean, REALLY BAD? Some flavored water stuff they have at the cafeteria at lunch. I had some mango flavored water or whatever, and do you know what it tasted like? Ok, ever noticed how after it rains, theres like a little river of garbage juice coming from dumps? Well, say you leave that in the sun for a few weeks and mash a little mango in it. It tastes just a little worse than that. It also kind of taste like gasoline, OH! I KNOW WHAT IT REMINDS ME OF! Ok, ever had the chain fall off while your biking? And you try to get the chain back on the bike and theres all this black grease on your hands? Thats EXACTLY what it tastes AND smells like! I know, I have never tried that black grease, but it smells the same, and it tastes like it smells. Our 10th follower also tried it, so I have proof in case you don't beleaf me! Another thing I will mention... Hideki Matsui= coolest Asian guy ever. Credit goes to Lee Johnson.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Raging Hobbit is Going On Strike
The Raging Hobbit was upset to find out that we had a one star post quality rating on our Facebook page insights. I was a bit enraged, but I soon saw why. Although I am consistent with my posts, nobody is commenting on the posts, becoming a follower, or writing on the Facebook wall! OK, so we WONT make ANY MORE POSTS until we have 10 FOLLOWERS and ONE WALL POST. This is directed towards not only the 14 PEOPLE who are Facebook fans but don't follow, but even the followers, who haven't made any wall posts for suggestions, compliments, un-compliments or whatever, or other things to say. Come on, people, we can do better than this. So if you are reading this, and I know you are, please go to Facebook RIGHT NOW and write SOMETHING on the wall. If you are not a follower, JUST CLICK "FOLLOW". Its the orange button guys, one click! Jesus, I tell you to follow on like every post and its the easiest thing in the world, so like the athletic shoe company says, JUST DO IT. God, guys..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Who Is Watching Me Right Now?
This is it..I am finally going to talk about religion. I guess some parts of religion are ok, they can make people nicer and there are good morals, but doesn't it seem like every bad theme is linked to religion? Terrorism, racism, The Raging Hobbit...there are so many things about religion that make people mad. CHILL OUT! Ok, somone believes in a different god than you, WHO CARES? deal with it! Seriously, how many wars have been started over which is the "right" religion? Se if you were an Atheist, this would make more sense to you. Put yourself into the body of an Atheist right now (I mean this metaphorically)..everyone is fighting over how to celebrate and practice the worship of the biggest hoax on earth- God. Its like, if millions of people died in a war over who is better-Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster, as a stupid example. They are both fake, and if this was understood, nobody would be dead. Another thing I hate is when you have to capitalize god, or when someone says "god damn" on the radio, they bleep out god, not damn, because you can't say gods name in vain! Even though he isn't real! Interesting fact- a good percentage of people who go to church or temple or mosque don't believe in god. Including me. Even though I think most of the stuff in the Bible is untrue, there are certain morals that are important, and I need to learn to cooperate with the people around me. False. My parents make me go. You thought I was serious, right? Anyway, another thing is the whole idea that your dead family is watching you. Although it may be comforting, it isn't at all. Some things we do, we would rather NOBODY see. Except for me, the glorious Rant, who is perfect. Also, God can't be watching everyone at the same time. Neither can Santa Claus. And if the tooth fair existed, she would be broke/dead, but she would have a hella lot of teeth. Hella, isn't that just so fun to say? Anyway, another thing about god is that, if he existed, WHAT HAS HE BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 2,000 OR SO YEARS? There are so many things wrong with us right now, what is god doing? Trying to make another son of god because the last one didn't really help at all? Really, if I had to choose a religion besides Buddhism, I would pick Judaism, because Jesus hasn't done anything to help us- like at all. There is still war, poverty, and hate! Religion is like a potato chip, crunchy and oily, and sometimes barbecue flavored. Enjoy your potato chip.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I Just Got a Call...
...that was telling me to vote for Jon Corzine. It was one of those machine calls, so you can't tell the guy to take you off the list. Ok, I am going to vote! Chill out! I don't need a million flyers on my door telling me to vote, the only thing that does is make me LESS willing to vote because I hate flyers and robot calls and spam E-Mails! Everyone join me, in the revolt against robot callers. Here's how it works. You wait for the robot to finish talking. Now as if that wasn't hard enough, you have you choose the option to talk to a real person. Here's what NOT to do- Tell the guy to take you off the list. Because they are told that if someone asks that, they have to hang up the phone, and nothing gets accomplished. Heres what to do.
When they ask for the man of the house, ask them to hold; then put a 2-year-old on the phone.
Talk really fast.
Turn on the TV. Change the channel to one that only gets static. Turn the volume up really loud. Say that you can't hear them over the static.
Make up your own language. Speak it.
Hang up.
Make up a one word language. Speak it.
Say, "This phone line is for emergency use only. Do you have an emergency?"
If they say "Yes" to number 6 say, "Please state the nature of the emergency." Then insist that their emergency isn't an emergency. Hang up.
If they say "No" to number 6 say, "I'm sorry but this line is for emergencies only." Hang up.
Pretend you just took hostages, and make demands.
Pretend that you are a hostage negotiator, and try to get the telemarketer to release the hostages.
Order a large pepperoni pizza, some garlic bread, and a meatball sub.
Dial the phone and say, "Hey! I lent you 50 bucks. You better pay up or else I'm gonna come over there and hurt you! "
Repeatedly dial the phone. Mutter that it isn't ringing.
Claim to be the mafia.
Say, "Moe's tavern Moe speaking."
Say something that Moe would say to Bart after Bart makes a prank call.
Ask him/her if he/she would like a magazine or newspaper subscription.
Say, "Oh no! It's the Feds! They're on to us!"
Claim to be the FBI. Say, "This is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. How may I help you?"
Dial *69. Wait about a minute and say, "Dang unreliable *69."
Speak a foreign language.
If you do # 24 and the telemarketer gets a person who speaks the language you used, speak another language, use a made up language, or say that you were speaking English the whole time.
Say, "Help! I'm being robbed! He's got a gun!"
Communicate only through Morse code.
Talk to the telemarketer. During the conversation dial the phone, and ask for Bill. Do this repeatedly.
Try to sell the telemarketer something.
Act drunk.
Turn on your shower. Say that you are on a portable phone and are really late for an important meeting. Scream as though you were electrocuted.
Ask him/her if he/she can smell bacon. Insist that there is a strong scent of bacon over the phone.
Ask if he/she has been to Australia. Regardless of his/her answer ask if you can buy a boomerang and didgeridoo.
If he/she says "No" to #36 insist that he/she buy yours.
If he/she says "Yes" to #36 ask if he/she will take a strange currency.
Pretend to be an escaped mental patient. Mutter things like, "They'll never catch me again," "No! Not the jacket! No, no, no!" After saying one of these mutter incoherently.
Make him/her dance for a sale. Claim that you won't buy because you couldn't see him/her dance.
Make him/her sing to get a sale.
If a male sings for #41, claim that he sounds like Brittany Spears.
If a female sings for #41, claim that she sounds like Barry White.
Pretend to be really interested. Then say, "No."
Engage him/her in an "intellectual" conversation on an extremely boring subject.
Say nothing until he/she hangs up.
Say, "I told you. I don't know where your dog is!" Then hang up.
Keep crackers near the phone. When a telemarketer calls eat the crackers. Chew loudly, make slurping noises, and talk with your mouth full. If you want pretend that you are choking.
After he/she hangs up, use *69 or Caller ID to get the phone number. Call the telemarketer.
Ask the telemarketer for his/her home phone number. Claim that you need some time to think, and that you'll get back to them.
If he/she is selling a newspaper or magazine, go on and on about how great another newspaper/magazine is.
Pretend you are a telemarketer from a rival company. Get him/her to buy your product.
Say, "Yes" immediately to whatever they are selling and hang up immediately afterwards.
Get a dog or cat and let it lick and step all over the phone.