Ok, Its the first Sunday before Christmas. I have a lot to talk about. First I will sum up my week off from school. Monday was interesting. That was the day I was going to make potato latkes, but I decided to make a post about Santa. I ate at a really good restaurant on Bloomfield ave. Let me tell you about Bloomfield ave. It has 2 of my four favorite restaurants. Unfortunately, big stupid stores take up space for more restaurants. There is this one furniture store caclled the Hampton House that no one goes in. I have never seen anyone in there, anyone walk in there, or anyone walk out of there. It is huge, too. I don't understand how they stay in business. Well one day, I was on Bloomdfield and noticed a place called Elevation Burger. I thought to myself, thats where the Hampton House was! And I was very happy, and kept walking, until I noticed a familiar furniture store with no one in it. Elevation Burger must have bought a different place. Let me tell you about Tuesday. I made a scrumptious macaroni and cheese, and a cranberry relish with Father Rant. Let me tell you about Wednesday. On the highway to Maine. Rest stop was very bad. There was only one restaurant that actually served hot food, which was what I craved at the time. it was called Papa Gino's, and let me tell you it was one of the worst pizzas I have had in my life. There wasn't really a sauce, it was just like tomato skins, and the crust was so chewy you could rip a piece off without losing teeth, and the cheese was so bad, it was like baked rubber with salt. It was like that kind of mozzarella cheese you have to really chew like gum to actually make it edible. And once you chew it, it gets all dry and disgusting. There was a Ben and Jerry's there, though, so it pretty much saved my life. I got to Maine and went to sleep. Let me tell you about my Thursday in Maine. I learned to moonwalk and I moonwalked so much that my feet got sore. I also watched some weird guy cooking. Let me tell you about chefs on TV. First, there is Rachel Ray. Easy to rant about. Rachel Ray is not a chef, she is an actor. Some weird guy who cooks ells her what to do, bu his face is probably really ugly that they don't show him on TV, they show a young girl instead. Kind of like the little Chinese girl who lip-synced at the Summer Olympics because the real girl who was singing was kind of fat. Ok, other chefs. Theres that weird guy who thinks he's really hot, and cooks under candle light and stuff. Like ok, if you want to be a male model, but you make me lose my appetite when you cook like that and stuff. And you make bad food. Oh, and there's Paula Deen. Probably the scariest person I have ever seen. She looks like a stalker and she scares me. Yep, thats her in the picture. Anyway, I had a great Thanksgiving. The dinner conversation went from Mexican food to gay people somehow, and I think at one point we were talking about aesthetic realism. You know, the people who try to make people un-gay. I laugh when I hear about aesthetic realism. I put it under the same category as Scientologists and Mayan Armageddon believers. Now let me tell you about Friday. Black Friday. Fortunately no one died. But I did hear some thing funny on the radio. "Apparently, lots of people rushed to Walmart today to buy the heavily advertised sale electronics. They left disappointed to find that they had all been quickly taken by early shoppers." But that wasn't the funniest part. They said that since everything was bought early, people have nothing to buy for Christmas. JESUS! DO YOU HAVE TO GO TO A WALMART FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT? And electronics aren't your only option JUST because they are on sale! Are electronics TOO EXPENSIVE if there isn't a 10% discount on them? The point is to buy a good present, not just buy what's on sale! Jesus, I thought I hated shoppers before. Well I better wrap this up. My Saturday was uneventful. My Sunday is uneventful SO FAR, but it WILL NOT BE, because I am going to Lombardi's Pizza, epic restaurant.
...Rant...25 days
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