..Because this week, it's Black Friday. Every insane shopper in the world surrounds us. And we all know what happened last year. If there is anyone I hate more than bloggers, its shoppers. Shoppers who run and scream with their shopping carts spending aways with their holy credit card, buying a million things and making a huge line at the checkout and causing traffic in a mile radius of any Walmart or Target. And most of the things they buy, they never use. Well this Friday, it's every shopper's paradise. I don't even know why everyone rushes to Walmart this week, I think it has something to do with Thanksgiving or a sale or something. Well all I know is that I am probably going to be locked in my house on Friday, or maybe watching a movie or something, far away from any Walmart. Another thing I will talk about is movies. I'm not 18 yet, so the movie ticket guys won't let me see good movies with my friends. Well i know a lot of people who have this problem, so I have made a list of ways to avoid this. OK, we will use my experience as an example. I want to see District 9, not Aliens in The Attic. Me- Can I see District 9? Movie ticket annoying guy- I need to see some ID. Me- Can I just get the tickets anyway? Movie ticket annoying guy- can't sell those to you. You want to see Aliens in The Attic? Ok, now you have options. Option A- Go to automatic machine thing and buy the tickets. Machines don't ask you for ID. They are easy to fool. See robot post. Option B- Ok, I will see Aliens In The Attic. Get Tickets for Aliens in The Attic. Walk into District 9. Option C- Find a random guy to pretend he is with you and get him to buy the tickets. Then pay him back (optional). Sometimes there is a nice guy there, I guess you have to be lucky. These are three ways to fool movie ticket guys/movie ticket robots. Now I am running out of ideas. What should I talk about...I KNOW! I will talk about EDWARDS PIRATE RANTS. More Hobbit offspring. Hans't posted since the 18th. Raging Hobbit is still superior. Oh, and remember I Hate Etc Etc? He hasn't posted since October. Good luck to that guy. Also Remember that Ranta Claus is watching you. It is that time of year. Ranta Claus is the alter ego of Santa. If you are good, he smuggles drugs from Columbia and delivers them via chimney. If you're bad, he sends his elves to take you out. There is no middle ground. It's that time of year.
...Rant..let the Ranta Claus countdown begin...30 days..
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