Thursday, November 5, 2009

It Happened In A Day...

We reached 10 followers and got two wall posts almost immediately after my going on strike. We managed not to miss a day, which is good. I would like to talk about corn for a little. Corn on the cob is great. Corn chips are amazing. And of course popcorn, is one of the best foods. Do you know what I hate? Frozen corn in a bag that you microwave and put some butter on. It tastes like dead people! Its terrible! I feel sick when I eat it. Come on, if you want corn, just smear some butter on the cob and shove it down your mouth. You don't need to buy frozen corn, heat it up, put butter on, and eat it, just eat it normally. Do you know what else tastes bad? I mean, REALLY BAD? Some flavored water stuff they have at the cafeteria at lunch. I had some mango flavored water or whatever, and do you know what it tasted like? Ok, ever noticed how after it rains, theres like a little river of garbage juice coming from dumps? Well, say you leave that in the sun for a few weeks and mash a little mango in it. It tastes just a little worse than that. It also kind of taste like gasoline, OH! I KNOW WHAT IT REMINDS ME OF! Ok, ever had the chain fall off while your biking? And you try to get the chain back on the bike and theres all this black grease on your hands? Thats EXACTLY what it tastes AND smells like! I know, I have never tried that black grease, but it smells the same, and it tastes like it smells. Our 10th follower also tried it, so I have proof in case you don't beleaf me! Another thing I will mention... Hideki Matsui= coolest Asian guy ever. Credit goes to Lee Johnson.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting enough, your right. Last week I ate an elderly corps, was sickened and soon tried to drown out the tasted with first thing I could find, which (for some reason) was microwaved corn with some butter, and the taste in my mouth didn't change... it was wierd.
