Ok, If you are a dedicated Raging Hobbit reader, you would realize that we have changed our profile picture. That is because our old picture was copyright infringing. Let me first tell you how long it took me to sew that head. I have only sewed once before, when I put a button on a jacket. That alone took me like half an hour. Now imagine me sewing a head out of an old shirt and a bed sheet. I know it looks bad, but it took me three hours. And putting it on a white surface with a knife, and mind you, I sharpened the knife JUST for the photo, and I took a picture, which took me like a half an hour, when when I was going to upload it, my camera ran out of battery right away, and I had to charge it, another hour, then upload it, 10 minutes, crop and edit it, 30 minutes, and make it the profile picture for everything Raging Hobbit related. Well I hope you appreciate it. I am going to make a body and Ranta Claus hat, and he will be the first Raging Hobbit plush toy. If you want to buy him voodoo with a bunch of pins, that is an option too. The best part about owning a plush Ranta toy is that you automatically get on Ranta's good list. And trust me, that is important. Ranta Claus's post will be on the 24th of December, and it is going to be really long. And no, I'm not going to write a lengthy post on Christmas Eve, RANTA CLAUS will. You may notice signs of his annual arrival, like traces of cocaine on our posts. Its that time of year.
Another thing, I am out of food. By "out of food" I mean we used everything in our house to make food for Thanksgiving, and we don't have anything to eat the day before. The day before Thanksgiving is always the hardest. Ok, what I was going to talk about was New Moon, ok I am stealing some bits from an IM conversation with Rage, but since he never made the post, I will steal his material. Ok, as if the first Twilight movie wasn't bad enough, the sequel is supposed to be even worse. Also, if you're going to have a movie called New Moon, don't have it open on the day of a waning gibbous. What a fail. That's like Friday the 13th coming out on Tuesday the 23rd. Needless to say, New Moon has already made 142.8 million dollars. Its one of the biggest movies of the year, excluding Transformers 2, and Harry Potter. Ok, Transformers 2 was really bad. I saw it from Netflix, my dad accidentally put it on out queue. It was terrible, but at least it has Megan Fox. At least.
...Rant.. 29 days
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