Ok, let me start off this post by saying that I have started this thing called "discussions" on Facebook, which is a great way to let my readers talk to me. Maybe I might actually look at what you said! Give it a try. There is one slight problem though, I don't know how to make is so readers can't post topics. If there is anything I don't want, its for a bunch of people to make post topics like "last post wins!", "who is obsessed with megan fox?", or "check out my website!" Note- these are all real topics taken from a popular fan page. So, for the sake of Raging Hobbit, please do not start any discussions, let ME start them. Actually, I will make this more straightforward. ANYONE WHO STARTS A DISCUSSION TOPIC WILL BE BANNED FROM RAGING HOBBIT WORLD. End of story. So just don't do it, OK? Now I will begin to talk about Santa Claus. I love Christmas, but like every holiday, there are some drawbacks I must address. I have been seeing Christmas decorations since August. Do you know what that means? It means if the Christmas season started in August, over a thir dof the year would be "Christmas time". Christmas season would be three seasons, Summer, Fall, and Winter. There would be Christmas decorations during Halloween. Santa Claus would have to work overtime. These are some things we need to think about when we put up decorations. Go through this in a step by step process. Step one. Think.. AM I going to screw up any other holiday by having inappropriate decorations, (i.e. Christmas decorations during Halloween?) Step Two- Think.. Are my Christmas decorations tacky enough for Rant to mention me in a post? Step Three- Think.. Would you be doing this if Santa was watching me? Go through all of these steps and have a safe holiday season. Another thing I will talk about is Santa Claus. Who was the first person to think, "lets make kids believe in an american fat guy who manages to have enough gifts to give every Christian in the world yet still manages to fit everything on a flying sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer?" Well he must have been a genius, because it worked, and kids think about this guy almost every day in December. I hate those losers who talk about how its bad that parents make their kids believe this stuff, or worse, the idiots who make a bad man out of Santa. Read this..
"As everyone knows,
After years of analyzing story books and three years on my apprenticeship at Santa's Workshop located in the North Pole, I have discovered really and truly the reason that so much corruption is hindering the progress of the American people. It's all because of Santa and his little stooges up there in the North Pole.
Unfortunately, because Santa Claus has brainwashed so many people into believing that he is a good honest person, this stance will be a difficult one to take. In reality, Santa Claus is a prejudice pedophile, bent on world domination. He sets a bad example the world over and promotes consumerism, communism, and obesity. Not only that, but his treatment of Mrs. Claus is atrocious. That the feminist movement has never taken this issue up to the North Pole, in itself, is a startling realization that the American people are extremely ignorant upon this important subject.
On my internship at Santa's workshop, I found many startling atrocities developing inside Santa's little "fun house." Santa Claus uses slave labor in order to manufacture his toys. His little elves are all made to work day in and day out without any pay except for Mrs. Claus' cookies. Because these little elves are less fortunate than you or I they have no idea that slavery has been outlawed, and that if they worked at
Now, have you ever heard the song "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"? Well, you know the drill. Santa asked Rudolph to join his team of reindeer and Rudolph volunteered. Well, don't believe it. It's all a lie. The bitter truth is that, in my startling interview with Rudolph it turns out he has a very different story indeed. The reality is that Rudolph is a just a regular reindeer with a red light bulb Scotch taped onto his nose. He is using Rudolph as a freak show in order to make a profit. Every Rudolph movie and Rudolph song and Rudolph stuffed animal, now I know this will be a shock, but every one of those items is completely....FICTIONAL!! Santa Claus is a fake and a fraud.
Most of us have had our doubts about the Santa's in our local shopping centers, and the truth is that most of them are fakes, but Santa also goes to the shopping centers each year. He doesn't have to, but the truth is that Santa is a pedophile who feeds on little children. Why do you think that you hear so often about a poor little child who is afraid of Santa or who cried on Santa's lap? The truth is that Santa is copping a feel. This sick man has brainwashed the entire nation into believing that it is normal to allow their little children to sit on a strange man's lap just because he is wearing a horribly out of fashion winter suit. Where do you think all the child molesters of the world came from? They learned it from watching Santa Claus.
Santa is also a blatant racist. He is completely anti-Semitic and prints anti-Semitic literature. He is always talking about how the "nice" little boys and girls will get presents at Christmas. Did you ever wonder why no little Jewish boys and girls ever get a Tonka truck under the menorah from Santa? It's because Santa is affiliated with the KKK!! In fact he's heading it up! None of the naughty children receive presents. In this case the naughty children all just happen to where yarmulkes. Coincidence? I think not.
Song lyrics such as "he's making a list, he's checking it twice, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice..." , sound eerily like Nazi chants to me. And these are songs which children sing every day. Our children are growing up to be little Hitlers!
We haven't even approached the issue of animal rights. Santa Claus is the reason that animals are so ill treated in
And as for his submissive little wife, she doesn't even admit to having a first name. How out of touch is she? Santa is obviously an abusive alcoholic. I mean, come on, with his face always being red and all, and that massive beer belly, he must be the biggest alcoholic of all time. Who knows what he puts in that egg nog? Also, due to the submissiveness of his wife and her obvious mental disorder displayed through her incessant need to bake cookies, it is possible to infer that Santa beats her. What with his obvious power hungry personality, lecherous behavior, and sick use of slave labor, his abusive behavior should not be surprising. To be perfectly blunt, has anyone ever really seen Mrs. Claus? I never did...for all we know he may have beaten her to death, chopped her up into a million bite sized pieces and fed her to the reindeer long long ago. Either that, or they are divorced finally and Mrs. Claus is living on welfare while deadbeat Dad Santa Claus refuses to pay child support for their little elves. But, let's not infer anything without the facts.
Lastly, I have come to believe, through years and years of careful research that Santa Claus is bent on world domination. That commie bastard wants to turn the whole world toward communism. It is already present in his workshop- everyone dressed the same, list upon list of every single citizen. Everyone knows that those candy canes contain mind control. He knows every little thing about you. He could attack at anytime. Big Brother is watching you, and his name is St. Nick. Because Santa is the only one who decides who's naughty and nice, we have no way of stopping his evil plan. He has set up propaganda the world over to promote his campaign. They are called malls. As the shoppers pour in every year, spending every single cent they have on Christmas presents, they get more and more ingrained into their heads Santa's evil messages. They hear the Christmas music in every store, subliminally telling them to kill all Jews, they see the posters everywhere convincing them that spending every cent is best for all. You see, Santa's plan is to leave everyone penniless, so that they have no choice, but to listen to his demands. Then he will be supreme ruler of the world. Sick isn't it?
The only solution is to put an end to Santa Claus. He is obviously the one and only reason why humans have become so utterly wicked. His tendency to feed on small children, the treatment of his wife, his obvious affiliation with the KKK, and his plan for world domination, should make Santa Claus Public Enemy Number One this year. So next time you take your child to see Santa Claus, give him a gun and say, "Honey, if Santa tries to cop a feel this year, blow his brains out." Besides, your kid can't be tried as an adult anyway, so what's the harm really if you think about it. And whatever you do, stay away from the candy canes."
Ahh.. This is exaclty what I am talking about. Whether joking or not, I don't like Julie Wernau depicting Santa as a Racist Nazi Pedophile, or that he is "copping a feel" when little children sit on his lap. Santa provides a certain vibe of well being during winter, and although this is a satire piece, it slowly degrades the Santa feeling, and it isn't really funny. I hate Santa jokes and parodies. There are a lot of things to joke about, its not that I find Santa jokes disturbing or anything, they're just not that funny. Leave the guy alone, he has to watch and observe Christian kids his entire life. Now here is one religious figure that you can joke about and not cause controversy, he's.... RANTA CLAUS! He is the cynical, Nazi pedophile alter ego of Santa. Of course, he is Rant, the infamous blogger in his normal days, but during the Christmas Season, he turns into a Nazi Pedophile Christmas Villan, Ranta Claus!
..Rant..or so it seems..
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