This is it..I am finally going to talk about religion. I guess some parts of religion are ok, they can make people nicer and there are good morals, but doesn't it seem like every bad theme is linked to religion? Terrorism, racism, The Raging Hobbit...there are so many things about religion that make people mad. CHILL OUT! Ok, somone believes in a different god than you, WHO CARES? deal with it! Seriously, how many wars have been started over which is the "right" religion? Se if you were an Atheist, this would make more sense to you. Put yourself into the body of an Atheist right now (I mean this metaphorically)..everyone is fighting over how to celebrate and practice the worship of the biggest hoax on earth- God. Its like, if millions of people died in a war over who is better-Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster, as a stupid example. They are both fake, and if this was understood, nobody would be dead. Another thing I hate is when you have to capitalize god, or when someone says "god damn" on the radio, they bleep out god, not damn, because you can't say gods name in vain! Even though he isn't real! Interesting fact- a good percentage of people who go to church or temple or mosque don't believe in god. Including me. Even though I think most of the stuff in the Bible is untrue, there are certain morals that are important, and I need to learn to cooperate with the people around me. False. My parents make me go. You thought I was serious, right? Anyway, another thing is the whole idea that your dead family is watching you. Although it may be comforting, it isn't at all. Some things we do, we would rather NOBODY see. Except for me, the glorious Rant, who is perfect. Also, God can't be watching everyone at the same time. Neither can Santa Claus. And if the tooth fair existed, she would be broke/dead, but she would have a hella lot of teeth. Hella, isn't that just so fun to say? Anyway, another thing about god is that, if he existed, WHAT HAS HE BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 2,000 OR SO YEARS? There are so many things wrong with us right now, what is god doing? Trying to make another son of god because the last one didn't really help at all? Really, if I had to choose a religion besides Buddhism, I would pick Judaism, because Jesus hasn't done anything to help us- like at all. There is still war, poverty, and hate! Religion is like a potato chip, crunchy and oily, and sometimes barbecue flavored. Enjoy your potato chip.
I don't want to get into a debate, but I have been getting into a debate over this with Teddy (and if I do say so myself; winning) and I agree with you, but I do believe in God, but not in an actual sense... (as I have said before)
ReplyDeleteOh and yea, Jesus was not the Messiah this is what I think happened
Yo, I'm Jesus... aren't I cool.
Are you the Messiah
I guess so...
Ladeda he acts like the Messiah,
people think he is
these weird Jews piss off the Romans
Romans become Christian
Roman empire is so big, people in other parts of the world become Christian
And now there's the largest religion in the world founded by luck and some weird guy who thinks he's hot stuff