Complaints! I hate them. Even though I ask for constructive criticism, I don't really mean it, I just want to sound nice. Ok, so people are complaining that the Sunday Morning Rants are losing their touch, and no longer sum up the week, their just longer blurbs of what I already do. This is a pleasure, you shouldn't be telling me what to do and how to do it, because this is volunteer work and I don't get paid a dime for this. Unlike Ranter AK who puts obnoxious ads on his blog to make money off of his non-existent readers. So what if my week was dull or uneventful? I don't need to sum up a week in my post if nothing happened! Open your eyes, readers. I created the Sunday Morning Rant as an opportunity for you guys to always have a new post every Sunday, and when I made them, school hadn't started and every week could be summed up in a bunch of paragraphs. But now that the weeks are less eventful, I don't have much to say in my Sunday Morning Rants, so I just do a normal post but make it longer. The next Sunday Morning Rant, however, WILL sum up the week in detail, because I have the whole week off for Thanksgiving Break. This is what I will be talking about today. Thanksgiving is a great day. Why? Because I like food. And if theres a holiday aimed completely at making a lot of good food and doing nothing else, I'm all for it. I know that Thanksgiving is supposed to be like giving thanks and stuff, but no one does that. Honestly, do you spend more time than usual thanking people for random things on Thanksgiving? Of course not. We slaughter turkeys and eat them with fruit and potatoes and other great stuff. I also really don't care about pilgrims and Indians, so can someone please tell every 1st to 6th grade teacher in the world not to make students study pilgrims and stuff every thanksgiving season? I remember when I was in 6th grade and 5th grade and every other grade before that, cutting out little pilgrims and Indians and pasting them to paper or whatever, it got kind of old. I always hated when teachers made us do seasonal things around holidays. It makes me feel like school is a part of the holiday, when a great thing about holidays is that it is in no way involved with school.
Back to the Thanksgiving topic, I always hated the people that protested or complained about the turkeys that die every thanksgiving season. BREAKING NEWS- WE HAVE TOO MANY TURKEYS. Every time I'm in Montana, I see a bunch of wild turkeys making a lot of noise and running around, and I always thing how much better it would be if someone hacked them up and ate them. "But look at that poor turkey? Isn't he so cute?" Exactly. I think that the turkeys killed should be really ugly and noisy, like that turkey who keeps you up all night or the one with the face defect. Kill those, spare ones like the one above. It just looks so pitiful. Anyway, in case you were wondering, somebody yesterday was telling me that paintball hurt so much and I should never go in my life. Well, I went, and you couldn't even fell the thing explode on you. It was like an egg cracking on you, but you're wearing all this protective clothing. I also thought 2012 was par, it wasn't great but not as bad as the reviews said. Some movies just aren't understood (WILDHOGSWILDHOGSWILDHOGS) and turn out good when you see them, or maybe it just seems good because you were expecting it to be really bad.
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