Ok, so I don't know what to talk about, so I will type everything that first comes to my mind. This is completely real, nothing I will put was previously thought out. This is called "Blogstorming" Were doing this real time here. The pizza I ate on my way back from Maine. Not eating any lobsters in Maine. Being vegetarian. I wonder how sham wow would taste, it doesn't really smell that good. I wonder if anyone died in Walmart today. Confessions of a Shopaholic. Ranta Claus. That stuffed head took me a really long time to sew. Listening to Blondie. Listening to the Indigo Girls. The Beach Boys either sing about surfing of girls from California. Realizing that the Indigo Girls are lesbian. Not really caring. I wonder if the Indigo Girls are a couple. Googling. No, they are not a couple. I wonder if the beach boys actually surf. I wonder why the only guy in ZZ- Top without a beard had the last name "Beard". I think I am going to put labels on The Raging Hobbit to keep it more organized. I've seen other bloggers do it. Now I am thinking of Ratatouille. The dish, not the movie with the fat and the fat dead guy with the French accent. I think I might make Ratatouille for a late dinner. I wonder what the hell Ratatouille is. OK, mind is going back on topic. That was quite an adventure. Anyway, with the end of Thanksgiving, we enter the Christmas season. Now, it is officially that time of year. I know this was a bad post, but seriously, I had nothing to talk about. Now that you have explored the depths of the mind of Rant, you can see how the mind of Raging Hobbit works. I bet one of you is making a list of all the things I "accidentaly" say, and one day you will blackmail me with all of it. (Note #115- Rant listens to Blondie. Note #116- Rant listens to The Indigo Girls.) Well with that, I leave you another midless post. Have a happy 10:57 pm!
...Rant....27 days.
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